TWP site check

Just finished my little site for TWP, I know it aint much at the moment, but I’ve only been doing flash for about a month now, and it’s only a “contents” page for TWP, the other projects should be much better


Well it’s obvious you’re able to create some nice effects, but there’s still much you’ll need to learn before this site will be decent.

Here are some things I noticed:

  1. The first thing I noticed is that your site is too dull since all you’re using is grayscale colors. Try using warm colors to bring some life into your layout. Adding graphics would help as well.

  2. Your splash page is too messy, the embossed title looks cheesey. I think you need to spend more time on creating nice graphics. It seems like you didn’t preplan this site and just designed it as you go along.

  3. Your site has some cool effects, but just because you can do it, doesn’t mean you should throw it in. This is understandable since you’ve only been doing this for a month.

  4. Your content text is too big and I don’t like how it covers your layout when it opens on that window.

Overall you still need a lot of work, good luck. =)

I agree with EG about the color and the splash page. You really
should add some. Also, the splash page, considering what it is,
isn’t necessary really, since it’s just some text with a simple effect
on it.

Here’s a few things I noticed:

  1. I didn’t really like how the mouseover for the menu buttons
    open and then close even before I move off of it. I think you
    should rework that so it closes onMouseout instead.

  2. Your menu itself isn’t all that obvious to me, and I think
    navigation should be. You might want to add a graphic of some
    sort pointing that out.

  3. The sound effects seemed like good ideas, but a touch off. I
    think if you change the buttons to stop and curl out onMouseout,
    they will fit better.

  4. The random balls thing is cool, but I really identify it with kirupa,
    almost like the M does for McDonald’s. I know that not everyone
    is going to know what it is, but I do think you should try to be a
    little more original. At least change the shapes to something else.

  5. the one thing that EG said still rings in my head, so I’ll repeat it.
    “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.”

I really do think you have a very nice start, and I have no doubts
it’s going to get better. These are a little nit-picky, I know, but
they are things I think can easily and greatly improve your site.

Good luck with it. :slight_smile:

thx both of you for all of your suggestions, i have a reason for most of them :slight_smile:

firstly, when i made this site, it was only me making it, but since then, I have a graphics designer, and a guy who’s really good with writing articles, so those aspecs wil certainly get better!

I’m not good with graphics at all, infact i really suck, the splash was just something to put there incase it loaded when a person wasn’t looking =p

I didn’t spend much time on it I’ll admit, because I’m busy with work etc, but I’ll try to spend more time on it, as much as i can spare

Thanks again very much for your replies, they will help me a lot!

it’s only the main site, i’m hopeing the other projects will be better…


P.S - could you suggest a “warm” color scheme"

*Originally posted by NoRegrets *
**P.S - could you suggest a “warm” color scheme" **

Here’s a list of warm colors you can choose from:

  1. Orange
  2. Red
  3. Yellow
  4. Brown

Take any of those 2 colors and add White to it as a 3rd color and you’ll have a nice combination. You can other colors as well, but those 3 colors must be the dominating colors.

For example, UNFLUX’s footer uses a warm color scheme of Red, Orange and White which are the dominating colors. He then has a forth color from the butterfly which get’s our attention since it’s concentrated in one area.

I hope that gives you a better idea. :stuck_out_tongue:

k, thx, I’ll work on it


why is there a shape tween on the word “about”

the rest . . . ditto electrongeek’s comments

shape tween on the word about?

you mean on the main screen?

sorry, not sure what you mean…


when you go over the A to get About to swing out, the word itself
takes a weird little swirve. The font looks like it’s skinny and then
shapes out into the full word right before closing down.

strange, all of the buttons there were done the same way :confused:

Ah well, redoing the site altogether now, got some graphics guys and some author people, so wish me luck! I’ll be keepiong in mind what you people have helped me with here, thx a tonne!


I’ve put the site onto a maintenance page, but this is the color scheme I’ve chosen to use, that page is also my first ever try at graphics, lol, with the TWP logo bit and the slogan, I also did the “tray” shaped outline, just to see if i can.

I think the colors are “warm” enough, but if not, I’ll se what an orange/red/white scheme looks like…
