I whiped out a quick site in the last 10 min… not even a site more of a lay out and an outline… in Fireworks… I dont like it much… or at all for that matter, but my client said no flash website, so I got to abide.
The layout must remain about the same… but I got to do something to make it look better… the colors look kinda bad… and well… I need opinions… (I have to use special olympic colors!) which are pretty ugly… I need some advice!
I actually like it - good Job. A couple things that jumped out to me was the font was too big and blurry (prolly because of the photoshop file) and buttons on the left side - I would make them all the same size if possible. The title doesnt look right - I dont like the outer glow of black from behind it… it just looks fuzzy and not appealing.
Other than that, it’s a nice clean layout and very easy to expand on if needed.
i like it,
i agree with shureshot- make the buttons the same size in the menu… also that black smudgey shadow, maybe change it to a 50% opacity type shadow, no bigger then 5 px, not too far away. just for some depth. otherwise, very good for what yick colors you have to work with
one more thing, the little “p” tails sticking out from the support button… bad. maybe you can make the fotn a hair smaller, or the bar a hair bigger. but it looks kinda… disorderly.
looks good for the type of site it is, i agree with all the previously mentioned stuff… but they should have heald a “special webpage design” or somethign for it, that would be cool
nice job :A+:
i think that the center green tiles… (coach, volunteer, support) should be the same shade as eachother, right now it kinda breaks the continuity. and maybe in the header you can have the bg layer of the logo be black, instead of white outlined in black. not to sound weird or anything, but it kinda makes my eyes feel “wiggly” and some people may have vision problems who look at this site. other then that it looks groovy! i like the top much better now.
I like the layout and style of it, it’s just the colours that aren’t convincing. And I guess you’re stuck with them, right? Maybe it’s the bright green as the background thing to the side. Not sure about that.
Okay, here’s an update on my work, got rid of the 3d wire title… and color coded(more or less) a few things… still got to do something about that green mesh… keep me updated, u guys are helping alot…
do you necessarily need to put the logo twice on the header part ? I find it quite crowded; wouldnt it be possible to keep the little logo underneath the whole thing or in the left menu, and only keep the nice clean one (nice 3d logo btw)
i dont like the wat the grid is either, although it’s a good idea