V2 of Dtads.com

Well here it is the new V2 of my site.

I thought its best to create a new thread for it, as its been a while since the V1, so some of you may not be able to remember, but if you ever need to check the first version, its under the portfolio section.

Look forward to the feedbacks…


And how can I forget the site is http://www.dtads.com

lookig nice-I think the gap of greay scans in the header looks out of place though :slight_smile:

you spelt creativity wrong in the page title

Its much better than before. I like it, but its very corporatey, however thats the look you clearly need/are going for.

I’d personally reconsider your nav position. I’d like to see it a horizontal central strip below the image and above the content. I think that will balance up the site a little.

Also you need to tweak te code for the grey headers and footers. Ideally when u resize your browser these should stay the same size and the flash movie goes central. However the top bar always remains and stays the same. If both bars shrank it would help lower res screens be able to see the content.

Also your choice of images, u seem to like strawberries, any reason why? Also the reflection on the contact page looks wrong as all the others just have shadows. As does the chopped off sketchbook in the portfolio section.

Hope that helps. Site is looking good tho (-:

Cheers for the reply
Corrected the spelling mistake…
As for the resize I am still working on it, I have a version that resizes everything correctly, but its not compatible with few browsers.
The screen required screen res is 1024 x 768, which pretty much shows the whole page.
There is a html version in the pipeline, which will allow viewers without flash or desired screen res not to feel alienated.
Do I like strawberry? yes I do… I chose it becuase its refreshing to the eye…

ok, my comment… :thumb:

  1. I like your logo… on the entry page, but consider doing something with your “Click to Enter”, maybe make it smaller, it will look more elegant…

  2. From the entry page, I have the feeling you are someone who like the world to know what you are doing fast… drop all the Web Design blah blah to the Desing for Print… it make your entry page look so unprofessional…

  3. Do something with the requirement part, consider something like this, http://www.andreescu-gaivoronski.com/ very elegant…

  4. Make the menu effect faster, currently it is moving very slowly…

  5. I don’t know if it is just me, but everytime when I click on each of the section, the flash will load a new image, go back to the old image and show the new image again…

  6. You need to align your mouseover menu correctly, look under your portfolio. when I choose Simon Patterson, the text will move in abit and remain there…

Overall I think it looks ok, I just don’t understand why you need to have the grey colour bar on top when there is nothing there…

hope those comments help… cheers for now…

1.) But thats the thing, Dtads is not only just me… and we are doing fast, I created the site, and DTADS is my firm but I now have people that work with me, compared to when I started it has been successful… and I like to project that message across… there is nothing unproffessional about that, this is what we do and more… why limit it?

The requirement… its clear concise straight to the point, it doesn’t need to give 3 choices, if you are a designer you should know the first rules of thumb “don’t give to many choices”.

The speed of the button, I agree I think it needs to be a little faster…
The images hmmm its quite a bizzare one, because you are the only getting that.

The mouseover in the portfolio section, yeah you are right I thought I had fix it in the early stage of developement.

As for the grey is a matter of taste, it’s used to as border hence on at the top one at the bottom, focus the viewer’s attention in the middle…

Cheers for taking your time out.

I like the grey, i think you should keep it (-: