
ok i have seen numerous video tutorials and were disgusted by all of them. i want to insert a 40 second clip. now i have seen tons of sites that have this without havng to wait 10 years for it to download. my question is this:

how can i insert a movie (avi, mov, or whatever) into my flash movie without using a $200 3rd party software to compress it? a good example of this is linkin parks website.
has any1 ever done this successfully?


I am not quite sure how to make them myself but i know that has some decent video tutorials if u want to see any.:stuck_out_tongue:

sorenson spark will do it. and it’s included.

ok ty but i am not really looking to use 3rd party software

It’s included in flash mx.

try doing this, file, import and choose the format of your video mpg, avi or mov i think flash supports most of these files if you need more help with video encoding check out this website it has tons of free tools to edit video

ok thanks every1 for the help i will sit down tonight and try to get this going. my whoel problem is i want the vdieo o stream and not make he user download the whole thing before they view it. is this possible???