And today 50 people were killed in Bombay. This is messed up :*(
Yeah - too bad it happened, though it’s a part of life there. Violence because of religious issues is nothing new there unfortunately =)
yup, all over the world.
In india it’s really screwed I guess because of the different religions, hundreds of different languages, the pakistanis up north/west with their nuclear weapons and even terrorist from extremist muslim groups…
It’s really only the extremists. I’m glad the country has numerous languages, cultures, wmd’s (:)), etc., but religious fundamentalism is such a pain!
Yeah - the fundamentalists usually find a good way to get enough funding from neighboring countries and few from even within the country :pirate:
The problem with fundamenalists is that they often have positions of power in many countries. And often these countries are rather poor and uneducated en mass, it is rather easy to bring out hatred in people like that. That is why up here in Canada I am shivering! No not because of the northerly climate, but because right south of me there is a leader who’s party doesn’t seem to like seperation of church and state very much. John Ashcroft for example, his views on many things are skewed by his so called Christian beliefs (I doubt many republicans really understand Christianity, cause they don’t seem to follow most of it’s teachings). Anyway it is sad what happened in India; Sikhs, Hindus, and Muslims have been fighting there for far too long, religion is old, war is too.
well i saw the actual tape(ammature one made my political party) it was illegal too and i cud’nt even see 30 min of that ayodhya temple / mosque issue, blood overall it was just disgusting to see ppl fighting over a structure, kirupa is right about extreemists being the reason…Ppl are just dumb enough not to understand why these extreemists do that and why they r not even touched, i have never seen any extreemsts leader getting hurt and it’s mainly btw hindu’s and muslims, sikh and christians are silent only few incidents.
Yes, I merely mean that there have been problems between Sikhs and Muslims in the past, aswell as Christians and Muslims, Hindus and Muslims, Christians and Jews, Muslims and Jews, Christians and Christians, Muslims and Muslims!! Too many times this has happened, too many ignorant people have too much power… That is why I am announcing the fact that I am running for Prime MInister of Canada in the year 2034. I think all kirupa members should become Canadian citizens and vote for me in 30 years…