maybe I’m too lazy to get freelance work… it seems like a lot of work just to get some clients. I’m not sure as to how to get them (other than advertising…)
oh, I have a question… how much do you guys charge for your services? I’m thinking of charging 400 for a basic 10 page site. 100 or 200 extra for flash (depending on the work) and 100 for scripting…
I’d also charge like 15 dollars an hour for consulting, after a site is done… what do you guys think?
this question seems to get asked alot. it basically depends on the quality of work. so that meas im working alot of hours and gettign 5 bucks for the final job.
Exaclty Alex. Your work determins your worth - in my eyes anyway.
If you can show your customer something nice that his kid or his buddies kid couldnt do (they can be tough competition sometimes :)) and it’s functional than you can change a good wage.
I think rev has said it many times - dont undercharge. If you do then you are going to blackball yourself if they ever refer you to their buddy or another business partner.
One thing that has worked out for me was giving referal discounts. If someone gets me to do their site because they have heard of me through another client then I give that company a nice discount and tell them - “hey, this is for you because I appreciate your business and I really hope you spread my name around. Also - if someone was to ask what your site cost please tell them the price BEFORE the referal discount” that way you can charge a little more next time - still give a basic referal bonus and your sites keep going up in price.
Well, I don’t get paid for making individual sites, and as such, the company don’t charge for them… It’s difficult to explain. It’s basically that if a company Churchill own needs a website, then it gets passed on to us in E-Commerce. We liase, design and build it for them and make it live. No money technically changes hands, it’s all included in the company budgets.
All I see is my monthly pay cheque. I’m paid an annual salary, not on a ‘what I produce’ or quality basis.
I wold alwasy work o na by the hour price. You can adjust it for the type of work they want. Then build the quality of the site around what they are spending.
i think it all depends on how much money the client has to spend on a site. i usually probe and hold off on telling them a price until they finally say how much money they can spend. that was i know what is realistic to ask for.