What do you think 'bout this?

Hello everyone here!!!

This is the first thread I post, so I’m a newbie…

I started designing a website for a Rock band in which I play.
The band wanted to do something different with its website, not just display a splash and then the main page and that’s it. My suggestion was to write a short story, and let the user be the main character, making him go through the storyline to get to the main page.

I’m telling you this so you have a background about it.

When making my ideas come to life, I found out I had 7 screens.
I would like anyone of you guys to tell me what you think of them, individually and as a whole set.

This is still a work in progress.
The URL is: http://home.coqui.net/vchile69


  1. Needs more color

  2. Needs to load faster

  3. Needs to be pre-planned before comp design work

  4. Needs an option to skip boring intro

  5. Needs to cut back on the drop shadow filters

  6. Needs a better choice of fonts for the navigation buttons

Electrongeek… thanks for reviewing my website!

Your review left me with a couple of questions…

  1. Which page needs to load faster?
  2. When you reffered to boring intro… you where talking about the “interactive web” option or to the intro just before the website itself?
    3)What type of font is more appropriate for the navigation buttons?

The pages that are the most critical to me are:

http://home.coqui.net/vchile69 (index) AND

I’ll appreciate if you comment about those two in particular…


Oh, by the way, I saw your website… It was pretty cool!!! :love: Loved it!

Your flash, intro and site don’t match at all… Start making them consistent, maybe drop the flash… it doesn’t at anything at all.

Good luck