What Do You think?


What do you think? http://www.balanceimages.org
just put it online so let me know if you see any errors…



thats cool funky concept the book and that didnt notice any bugs bit slow though but that could be coz im on 56k lol but yeh i like it



Thanks Tom. Yeah, as I got into creating I realized that what I wanted to see on screen would probably annoy some people due to large download times - back to optimizing…


I never got to see it. I gets stuck on 42% when loading…The enter screen was cool

worked for me take it from me its cool its like a book and everything lol

Nice concept, but there are a few things I thought could use some improvement.

  1. The scroller, it doesn’t go well with the layout, seems a bit odd.

  2. I don’t like how the menu reloads the layout, it sould of been nice if the book stayed and the content reloaded.

Other than those 2 things, I like it. =)

Nice work…

Id suggest the same as Eg did… Let the book stay …:slight_smile:
Cheers ::::

yeh thats a good point use the kirupa flash site tute thing thats how u load pages on that tutorial and thats how i use my site is it dynamically loaded i aint sure


Thanks for checkin out my site - I still have some changes to make, and I like the idea of keeping the book as the content changes.

