What do you think so far?

FINALLY, my site is progressing.

Take a look - http://members.rogers.com/adelelee/limee/

You can now navigate around. On first load, 01 Button won’t go away because you’re already in position. I’m yet to create the ‘load content’ stuff.

Do you think it’s enough? I’m trying to keep it simple.


Looks great york, clean and simple. The text is a lil hard to read, but then again I’m blind as a bat so ignore what I said about the text. Good job. =)

Hey, my audience could be blind as a bat too so your input in valid. Why did you find it hard? Text colour not dark enough or was it the background?

Thanks for the compliments! :beam:

I think it would really help if you darken the content text just a little more, maybe use the same dark grey you used on the tooltip that pops up on button number 3. Right now your text just blends right into the rest of your layout, darkening it would make it stand out a lil more.

PS. How did you solve the masking problem?

Try again. I made it a darker grey.

The masking problem? Oh, it was my own mistake. I was putting the mask within the MC as opposed to on the main timeline. :nerd:

Oh much better, much better, my elderly eyes can actually see the whatever language that is. :stuck_out_tongue:

YP i love the way the buttons follow the mouse! good job. hmm, i had something that i was going to ask if you could change, but i dont remember…i will get back to you if it comes to me.

Electrongeek, good! Now I know my elderly audience is taken care of! :stuck_out_tongue: :beam:

Mike, get back to me when it does! :slight_smile: Glad you like it!

I see all your hard work paid off York :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**I see all your hard work paid off York :slight_smile: **

And yours! :slight_smile: Much thanks for your help with the nav. :slight_smile:

No problem :slight_smile:

I love it. The font on the content could be changed, but the nav is very cool

*Originally posted by ask *
**I love it. The font on the content could be changed, but the nav is very cool **

What’s wrong with it? It’s Univers regular. Can you not read it? Thanks for the compliments. :slight_smile: