I’ve been thinking of making a flash tute on how to replicate some of the effects and animation in xiao xiao. (I’m a much better animator than I am a programmer :D) If you look at the effects and really break it down, they are quite simple
*Originally posted by Coppertop *
**I’ve been thinking of making a flash tute on how to replicate some of the effects and animation in xiao xiao. (I’m a much better animator than I am a programmer :D) If you look at the effects and really break it down, they are quite simple **
That’d be real cool coppertop
*Originally posted by Kajinku *
**A simple shoutbox tutorial… that works with TXT files or with a MySQL database. I think this will have some success. **
Here’s something I’d really like to do … but Vash already did. D’oh.
Ilyas – Games, eh ? I’ve never built a game in Flash before … I guess it’s worth a try
*Originally posted by Vash *
**Actually I have one coming out in the next month or so…**
Ahaaa… good, good.
tuts on math concepts related to flash
(something a math newbie would underatand
I could help by not writting any tutorials.
-Data :sketchy:
If I could gte a graphics artist… I would be able to spit out the game tutorials like there is no tomorrow…
And I started some small AI Tutorials a while back…
goes to dig up the threads on both subjects
just write them with stick figures then people will WANT to make them look better
*Originally posted by bsw2112 *
**tuts on math concepts related to flash
(something a math newbie would underatand
bsw **
Aha, here’s something I could do too ! I still go to school, so I have lots of things I can learn there and write tutorials about here. Such as trigonometry for example. We’re learning about it now at school (though I knew most of it already before by experimenting with Flash), so I can tell all about it
yep the math thingy would be something for me too.
got 14 points last semester in math (== A in america)
That’s very sexy, Sen
Voetsjoeba >> Yes you could start with an easy one and move from there
*Originally posted by Voetsjoeba *
I still go to school, so I have lots of things I can learn there
yes, education from school is best received when you actually go to school
*Originally posted by senocular *
**Im workign on a AS basics now. Is that what you mean? Or more general Flash? **
When will that be out Sen - with this new MX2004 the basic stuff is much harder for us designers now. I liked how simple the last version was.
Let me know ok - I would love to read it my man :thumb:
I think its below your level. This is for people who have never used the actions panel before except maybe for a stop() statement
When? I may get it done before new years. Not sure. Wrapping up a XML menu tutorial first. And before that Kirupa still has a few others he needs to put up including my ~50 page AS 1.0 (OOP) tutorial, so that may take a while.
How about a dunamically loading .mp3 player tutorial.
*Originally posted by fester8542 *
**How about a dunamically loading .mp3 player tutorial. **
I think someones working on that. If not, I can put that in my queue. I’ll dig one up I have on my hard drive and disect it in a tut.
Thanks man!
I love it when I dont check my posts for typos.
I dudnt even nutice it
Im workign on a AS basics now. Is that what you mean? Or more general Flash?
Is that the tutorial you showed me ? I guess not, that wasn’t really for absolute beginners … well, the first part was.
that was the AS 1.0 (OOP) tutorial. Kirupa’s working on that one I believe - formatting the pages and finding the right place for it in the structure of the site and whatnot. He’s only human though so it may be a while