I just noticed! how annoying… I’m sure it said 30%… ffs!
Yeah its screwed
We’re trying to get the little % bar to include all the messages in all the folders rather than the Inbox… It’s a bit confusing the way it is.
ahh! ok thanks
*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**we are just kidding Kit…
kinda protective of soul, huh?
Rev **
Soul en Kit, zitten in een boom…
[SIZE=1]sorry, gets a bit old… :P[/SIZE]
*Originally posted by Kajinku *
**Soul en Kit, zitten in een boom…
[SIZE=1]sorry, gets a bit old… :P[/SIZE] **
but its still funny! Heres a little known fact about jokes: [list]
[]If you tell a joke, it can be funny.
[]You keep telling the joke, it loses its appeal after the first 10 times people have heard it.
[]You keep telling the joke, it gets a little annoying.
[]You STILL keep telling the joke, it will eventually become funny again. Not because the joke is good, but because its funny that you keep saying it. It develops what is known as ‘predictable humour’.
[/list]An example: My mate used to ask if i was all right. I would always reply ‘no, im half left’
I have this up for nearly two years now, and whilst it used to annoy my friend, he now laughs and joins in.
Predictable humour is also the key to the succes of many comedy shows. Harry Enfield (british ‘comedian’) used basically the same sketches in each of his shows. The success came from the predictable nature of the characters. People knew what was comming!
Got it. Hehe… the evil joke. I mean, the E.V.I.L. joke. :evil:
ask me if i’m ‘All right’, go on, you know you want to!
Are you all right?
NO! i’m half left!
any one else got stupid personal jokes they want to share?
it is a lame joke but i am laughing
heh heh, fear my evil joke telling ways
oh the hilarity!
one of the worst jokes i have ever heard came from this stoner i used to go to school with…
we are in a group just at lunch or whatever, this is around the time of 11/9
Stoner: Look there’s Bin Laden… points to a bin
he sure did get an *** kicking for that… i probably wouldnt even classify it as a joke
one of my mates made a reference to Osama bin laden about me once, not long after having a weekend away with my (now ex) girlfriend:
Olly Bin Laid
Hehe :thumb: (Did you get laid?)
Oh btw, tonight is White Flame night :beam: Lots of work on it :thumb:
- Soul :s:
lo m8. the photo you were after: http://www.kirupaforum.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=128&perpage=15&pagenumber=64
:beam: :beam:
I got a cool chair with wheels! flies around bedroom
Weeeee :beam:
- Soul :s: