Who is tired of useless, boring, non-sensical, pointless polls?

[SIZE=4]enough with USELESS threads!!! Random is one thing, SPAM is another! [/SIZE] Unless its entertaining to other people there isnt any point in starting. UNflux i had to delete on your threads cause it was meaningless. nothing personal m8te.

i understand 100%. no need to advertise :wink:

Thanks Lost. I was going to do the same thing earlier today but I got distracted. :slight_smile:

ok, who gives a S-H-I-T?!?!?! maybe all the mods should approve threads first before they are posted. i mean if you want to be so friggin strict about it. you people are too picky. god ****.

No Comment. . . .

[ Edited by me: No use in my causing anymore problems! ]

oh actually it just passed. but thanks for asking.

Your welcome. . . . .

*Originally posted by telekinesis *
**No Comment. . . .

[ Edited by me: No use in my causing anymore problems! ] **

hahaha, **** boy, are you scared?? it’s the internet, nobody’s scared here. ahhahahahah

I have to agree with pinx. It’s too strict up in here. You guys made a random forum, so therefore, we should be post whatever we want… you know?

I’m not trying to go against what you have going now, but you gotta have some leeway now and again. It’s like if we look at you the wrong way, something will happen.

no, we are just tired of random becoming spamdom. Random is not a chat room, and is not there for anyone to “post what they want.”

Sorry if this offends anyone, but it is the way this forum has been since day one, and we as mods aim to keep it that way.

Seriously, random is much more fun without people creating threads because they are bored.


i think you guys should consider locking post count for a little while in random.

:angry: -you posted nonsense again, you sinner

:frowning: -sorry sir i didn’t mean it, it’ll never happen again

:scream: -run away little one, there’s no way out of this one

:run: -aaaaarrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh!!! don’t kill meeeeeeeeeee!!!1

:skull: -death will come for you, animal.

Alex - it’s been tried before and it didnt work. Look where we are righ tnow. We are all old enough to register and post on a board right? well we should all be old enough to understand the concept that POST COUNT DOESNT MATTER.

The random board is fun, there are a lot of great people here and it’s a great place to post. But all you have to do is look back on the last couple weeks and see… it’s out of control. Crazy posts are fun - but stupid aimless posts arent.

But when it was shut off, it was more calmer in here, more people went off to the help forums. Am i correct.

When it was shut off and then brought back again, i was less of a spammer. it works.

just my opionion. :slight_smile:

Lets put it this way, do any of you want to pay for extra bandwidth or another database to hold all the spam BS! I like random, but seriously there are so many threads I don’t even have time to get to look at because I have to filter through all the spam threads first. Pinx I am not scared of you at all, if I wasn’t a moderator I would have continued, but as being a moderator it would be wrong of me.

Good Day. . . .

I think we all need to remember that kirupaforums is not a democracy. There are mods to keep order, there is not a popular vote, there is not an inherant right to post anything.

Kirupa is a very, very lenient person who gives his time without any kind of monitary gain whatsoever. For him, can’t we just be mature enough to do this?

Rebellion is cool, but for some things it is just stupid…


There is a simple solution to this.

No pointless polls. If you want to see what people think of PCs vs Mac, then run a search and find the thread instead of starting a new one.

Don’t post to tell us you’re going to bed. Random is a place for general threads, certainly, but let’s all just be sinsible here.

If you’re having a (relatively) pointless conversation with someone, you can always use the PM system. It leaves the forums less clogged. Just remember to delete your Sent Items folder so you don’t fill up your mailbox.

Just use common sense. I know mods can sound harsh and horrible and unfair sometimes. We are. That’s the not-so-glamourous side of what we do here. If we ask people to stick to some simple rules, please don’t take it personally. The same rules apply to us too, and if you think we’re guilty of the same infringements, then let us know politely and we will curb it.

I have spoken. Anyone going to argue with me? :cyborg:

ADJECTIVE: Inflected forms: cra·zi·er, cra·zi·est

  1. Affected with madness; insane. 2. Informal Departing from proportion or moderation, especially: a. Possessed by enthusiasm or excitement: The crowd at the game went crazy. b. Immoderately fond; infatuated: was crazy about boys. c. Intensely involved or preoccupied: is crazy about cars and racing. <b>d. Foolish or impractical; senseless:</b> a crazy scheme for making quick money


are you trying to make one of us mad?


I don’t think anyone wants to argue with a pretty lady, it just isn’t polite now is it? :stuck_out_tongue:

Much agreed kit!