do i even have to try?
worth·less (wûrthls) adj.
- Lacking worth; of no use or value.
- Low; despicable.
That is my definition for the recent threads/polls in the Random forum! Want another term pinx?
i don’t have time for this crap. going to class now. bye pissy anal retentive people. oh ooops.
I’m going to ignore your attitude, since you haven’t been here very long. Yes, this place survived a long time before you found random. The mods do not take out personal vendettas against anyone.
yes, you do have to try to make us mad, we are very forgiving.
However, if you continue to harass, or just make fun of something we are trying to accomplish, then you will anger one of us.
That is not good.
Come on, why are you being an instigator? Is this a battle you really want to wage?
All we ask is to follow the rules. If you don’t want to, please post somewhere else. So why are you being a pain? Just because you are bored, and you think this is fun?
*Originally posted by pinx *
**i don’t have time for this crap. going to class now. bye pissy anal retentive people. oh ooops.**
Strike Two…
Do you want to try to get the 3rd strike?
*Originally posted by SureShot *
**Kajinku - that’s not the point dude.
The point is that this place is getting out of hand and this was just made to prove a point. Stop with the stupid threads and post things that are fun and entertaining - not because you are board and don’t know what else to do. **
Well, I completely agree, perhaps I misunderstood the whole point a bit…
All I’m saying is that mods will have to be fair in categorizing threads as ok or not ok, which is easy, except in the Random forum. Like you say, Random should be fun, relaxing and entertaining. Not stupid. And this counts for the threads, but also for the mods’ decisions.
I think it’s fair to say that the reason the mods were chosen is because they are fair and smart individuals. I dont think you will see them making “stupid” decisions - just decisions that help the board. That said - no one is perfect, that’s why there is more than one mod…
This is a great place, it’s just getting a little off track right now…
dis·re·spect n.
Lack of respect, esteem, or courteous regard.
*Originally posted by pinx *
**i don’t have time for this crap. going to class now. bye pissy anal retentive people. oh ooops.**
The time that a member disrespects another member and continues with the immaturity without solving through PM or another source will be banned, take this as a fair warning pinx!
I think we should change the name of the random forum. . . . .
Personally I don’t think theres been much spam lately, but I’m not one to argue
- Soul :s:
good one SS
No mod here want’ to rob you of the freedom of free thread making, we just want you to think twice before posting stuff about what color your urin is or something (JUST and example)…
come on… endless polls about who is loved?
or threads to say goodnite?
this isn’t kindergarten…
I haven’t banned anyone yet, and I’d like that trend to continue. We do however have to make sure that people follow the rules laid down.
Random should be random - for things that don’t belong in any other forum. But please everyone use your best judgement.
Now no more nit-picking. Else I will get angry.
Clean slate. Just remember not to go overboard.
I’m sorry, but I just thought this to be kinda fun
“Are you tired of polls yet?
You have already voted on this poll.”
hehe… =)
I will let this get back to wherefrom it came…
Im not bord of useless Poll !
becouse if I see it boring I just leave but If I see it cool then I may answer its not my problem ! isnt that right ?
Why every forum have it and not us I mean the world is free lett the user do what they whant maybe you or anbody kan post a more cool poll ! but I dont like forum with full of Poll(s) but is Okay for me !
Dont like it get away . like it maybe answer ! why not !
But I dont like this Polls with
OHH do you like me or not ! Im cool or not Oohh Im ugly or not with a poll inside man I think its not that cool and its boring ! thats what I mean !
But I think its better not to delead them lett these who created them do it becouse they will understand !
Sorry if Im very wrong about this I just say what I mean !
did anybody see my ‘angry’ thread the other day???
im not going to get started on this one…
nOOOOOOOO Mario dont do it man !
O nooooo he is dangros if he get angry !
J/K !
hehehe :crazy:
I agree on those as well. The forum would look like a mess if everybody made a poll to find out if he or she is loved.
It’s not really my problem, but since we’re discussing all this…
lol blast! - still no baby dude… (but my girl is getting some feelings…)
If she starts telling you she hates you and indeed all men ever born, then that’s probably a sign…
Anxious father already, and nipper not even here yet.
kit - im anxious because his due date was the 17th!!! i hope he comes soon…