Who is tired of useless, boring, non-sensical, pointless polls?

17th? Blimey, that’s a long time over… Almost two weeks. I thought they induced if it was over by a certain number of days?

I’m not exactly an expert here, but I know a couple of things. :slight_smile:

if he doesnt come like today or tommorrow - we are going for induction on wednesday afternoon…

good luck mario

And I’m betting any woman would prefer it without interference. Well, in that sense, anyway.

All my female friends with kids have said “take all the drugs and painkillers you can get your hands on”.

I pass this on to you and your lady as a friend. :slight_smile:

cheers kit!

i thought you would fall out with me after yesterdays thread…

Pas de problem. :slight_smile:

Hope he arrives soon, before you bite your nails down to the fingers. :slight_smile:

im already down to my wrists…

Then how can you hold a cigarette? :q:

On second thoughts, don’t answer that.

did you see yesterdys thread?..

Er… Which one? Enlighten me. :slight_smile:

ill bump it to the top

Ah, with you now. :slight_smile:

Not at all offended. I am just as guilty as anyone of spamming etc, and need to be given a boot every so often. :slight_smile:

speaking of needing a boot, have you done your website yet??? lol

kit - do you know the autotrader paper thing for cars? ive got an interview next week - maybe ill have the most boring graphic job ever!!! btw - i hate quark express…lol

Ahh… Um. I’ve started. Got a template and made the first few pages. Been up to my ears in work this past week. Excuses excuses. :slight_smile:

You’re applying for a job on AutoTrader? Cool… Seriously. :slight_smile: All those cars… Is it the website or the actual magazine?

the magazine… only problem is ive switched to indesign - i havent used quark since uni!!!

Wow, a lot happened since I was gone.

I read through all the pages and I noticed everyone likes to hide behind the phrase “It is RANDOM after all”… and yeah… Random it is. But Random was meant to be a place to chill out and talk about interesting entertaining things, not a place to go when you are bored to create a thread like “I am bored…”. And as for the polls… a poll already existed for the “who loves who” theme, but yet 2-3 other polls were created on the same subject right after that!!! WHAT WAS THE POINT!!! Then there are polls on who likes Mad TV or SNL… I mean seriously… WHO CARES ABOUT THAT!!! It was obvious they were just bored so they felt the would create a new thread to take up space on Kirupas database.

People are saying we are too strict here, but I don’t really think we are. I think we are sometimes too lenient actually. If we were too strict we wouldn’t even allow a Random or Ordered forum.

If you check out forums like Flash Devils… now they are strick. Flash Devils is a good forum i’ve recently come across thanks to ahmed and there is useful information there, but they are STRICT. If you want to call us strict, you should just check out the new member PM you get when you sign up for the forum…

Dear member,

Thank you for registering on our Flash Community.
We would like to show you some of the rules we handle on the board.
[]Before you post a problem or question, please search first. That way we all save a lot of time, answering to questions or problems that already been asked so many times before.
]It is NOT allowed to cross-post. When you do that it gives a moderator the reason to delete the posts. When it happens more often and you ignore a moderators warning, it can lead that we decide to deny you access to the board.
[]It is NOT allowed to post replies or even new threads for the only reason to give more attention to your original thread.
]When you found a thread usefull, then rate it. This way we all save a lot of time, searching for the good ones.
[]It is NOT allowed to have a whole post title or content in CAPS LOCK. The post will be deleted instantly.
]It is NOT allowed to post illegal things on our board. That includes links, downloads, cracks, serials, screenshots, quotes, or other things that are illegal to post on our board. When such things happen we will instantly BAN you from our board!
[]When you place a signature cq. footer in your post or thread, it is not allowed to exceed the following size: 200x60 pixels. Also we do not allow commercial banners or in anyway promote sites or companies that are related to vulgar things.
]You always have to follow the instructions a moderator gives you. A moderator looks after that everyone lives by the rules and keeps this community a nice place to be. So when a moderator comes to you and tells you you are not living by the rules you need to adjust yourself or you will get expelt from the community.
We hope you will have a wonderful time here :D.

Kind Regards,
FlashDevils Community - CREW

Please note that I am not putting down Flash Devils, I have skimmed the forum a bit this past week and have found very useful information, but I merely posted that just to show you that we are not as strict as we can be.

And I remember Quark correctly, it’s very awkward to use. :slight_smile:

Well good luck with that. The interview and the program. :slight_smile:

lost - i had a similar rant yesterday, but ive deleted the thread now! (it got rather heated)

for sure, these polls are just crazy, what next?

windows xp home VS window xp pro?

tastes great!

Less Filling!

