Why isn't this working?

Okay- here is the deal. I am an AS beginner and a while back I was trying to figure out the whole Animated Text thing. Well I found a tutorial that was helpful, but could not figure out how to adjust kerning.
I posted a thread for help here and Senocular was kind enough to tell me how to do it, and also posted some code and explained what it did.
Now, I have gone through this fla file many times trying to figure out how it all works, even going to far as to write down all notes and try to recreate it myself from these notes. Well I did that and it’s not working and I cannot see why.
I do not see any differences in mine and the one Senocular did that works…can anyone else?? Please and thank you!!

*note that this is my recreation…maybe I should post the correct one to compare it to? But I think most of the people here know what is going on enough to pick out what is wrong…

:player: :bounce: :frowning:

I don’t see any Instance Names for your movie clips. Compare your file to the original, and add the Instance names accordingly.

it should solve your problem.

Well I thought that I did. I know that some of the instances were not named…but in the file that I was referencing they were not named either. I will try it though…thannk you!


Okay I did have a lot of unnamed instances but I named them and check everything and it is still not working =(
I needed this like yesterday does anyone else have any suggestions? Thanks…

Hmm, your code seems to reference something called ‘phrase’ but there is nothing named phrase. Maybe there is supposed to be a variable name for the text, and you hadn’t given it. Also im not sure if it matters, but your text is Static, and not Dynamic. Switching that made no difference, but i wonder if it is just one of many problems.

My advice to you would be to find the file that Senocular gave you and ‘reverse engineer’ that one, by switching around just the ‘phrase’, and testing frequently to make sure that the file still works properly.

Hey that is a good term…reverse engineer…that is what I was trying to do. I obviously missed a few things though.
I thought that was strange with the “phrase” thing too. There is a reference to the kerning and timePeriod varibles in the code but not phrase.
Thanks again for the advice, I will try to disect it some more when I have time…