Windows 7 Problems

Alright, so I just got windows 7, and so far I actually like it. However, it randomly freezes at semi-random times. The freezes are quite bad. Literally nothing changes on the screen, no mouse movement, and it doesn’t go away ever, so I always have to reboot. Quite a hassle.

It always freezes while I use firefox, usually within a minute of starting it, and always freezes when I try to boot fallout 3. It’s only frozen a couple of other times besides that, which were all when I was trying to start a program.

The issue might be that there aren’t any CPU drivers from AMD for windows 7, but 7 has been registering and using all my cores with no problems yet, so I’m doubting that.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

System specs (newegg links provided where I can):
Mobo:[COLOR=#800080]MSI 790FX-GD70[/COLOR]
GPU: Nvidia 9600
CPU: AMD Phenom 3.2 Quad
RAM: Mushkin DDR3 1600