I’m going to engineering school (for mechanical), i’ve got about two years left, and i hate it. the classes move at a snails pace; last semester i put in a bare minimum of effort or thought (or time; i did no homework and skipped about a quarter of my classes) and still pulled off straight A-'s, thanks to generous curving. it’s a waste of time and money IMO, except for the fact that if i finish i can have a mechanical engineering degree on my resume.
my parents have payed my way so far, but i live in NYC and it’s f*cking expensive, so they’re gonna cut the embilical cord soon and i’ll have to take on debt to finish my degree (probably between 10-20k USD worth). my options are to either transfer somewhere cheaper (perhaps another country), or drop out. either way, i think i want to pursue a career in designing web pages and applications as a freelancer once i’m out of school. even if i have a really low standard of living… is this a pipe dream? or is it feasible? and would a degree help much?
any thoughts or experiences would be much appreciated and if you’re a college/university graduate who’s been out in the working world, how valuable would you say your degree has been to you? and has that value(if any) come from having the degree itself to put on your resume, or the experience and knowledge you took from going to school?