phil, i spent several hours on your site, exploring many of the links and several other sites that have similar data. i haven’t seen anything that leads me to the conclusions you and they draw. one common denominator is that there is a certain attitude toward the US Government, and references to numerous other conspiracy theories.
it doesn’t matter how many hours of research you do. if it is done with a preconcieved notion X, then you will dream up “evidence” to support X, and any evidence that shows something different can be declared as “faked”.
as a relatively new member to these forums, i don’t want to start or get involved in a big flame war here, so i will retire from this thread for now, though i will follow it looking for any evidence you might post. this has been intriguing.
hmm… yep phil, your right. i do have a problem with sarcasm. i’m still workin on it.
anyway. altho i don’t really believe most of the conspiracy theories out there, i do find them interesting and thought provoacing(**** i cant spell)… so i will probably check out your site to see whats there.
ah Phil… you’re just like me 5 years ago… but like me, you’re coming along nicely.
one thing I learned, which I’d like to pass along is this:
I agree that one should never trust authority right off the bat. Anyone who seeks a possition of authority is instantly subject in my mind. Likewise though, are people with theories. Theories are like opinions (oh wait… they are opinions), they are like @$$holes, everyone has one. With the internet in it’s prime, the influx of freaks with an opinion (not directed at you Phil, but some of your contemporaries) are in thier prime as well.
For me there is little doubt that there is more to 911 than the government wants us to know… but I haven’t seen anything yet which leads me to believe anything other than, poorly armed people took those planes into the buildings.
We’ll have to wait and see I suppose. Sadly, when it comes to things like this, usually we have to wait a long time for evidence to surface. I doubt these theories will be resolved EVER, let alone anytime soon.
PS thanks for the kind words Phil. I know that you’re trying very hard to increase both your knowledge base, and debate skills. That above anything is the most important thing in my mind. Right or wrong? we’re all right or wrong sometimes… but skill and intelligence…that’s a rarily. Keep plugging away at this. I’ll keep arguing the opponant’s views and maybe together we’ll get whatever @#%'s need to be gotten.
hey man… there are lots of assholes out there who wont appologize even when they are wrong… Don’t be so hard on yourself for having a bad day. Jeez, how many times have I had bad days on Kirupaforum talking about Flash??? It happens to us all, and us overly stressed paranoid types more often than the rest.
Intention is what’s important Phil. I agree and disagree with people all the time… but if your intentions are in the right place I don’t care if you’re a Canibal. I know where your intentions are and I like that there are people with passion in this world. The words are simply praise for the unpraisable.