Www.AlexsDesigns.net V2

Your loading takes way too long. Did you use ifframloaded scripts?

BAH!!! Once again I’m the little noob ant around here. sighs I don’t think I want to advance my skills, because I’d get squished like the little ant that I am, every step of the way. :-X

Good works! Mind if I add you to my site’s link section?

One thing I did notice, though, was that it did take a while to load on my oh-so-humble 56k connection. Other than that, I thought it was a big advancement from the last version. :slight_smile:

Christopher William Coddington (Xzandar / cwcandromeda)

Thanks, sure you can add me to your links section :slight_smile:

im clearing abunch of stuff, so it should go faster when i upload the cleaned out version :stuck_out_tongue:

I got you added. Now to upload the file. sighs as he opens his FTP program

By the way, man. How did you get the text to load into one of the components in you flash? I’ve always been curious how people do that.

Christopher William Coddington (Xzandar / cwcandromeda)

Xz: read your PM. I sent you the link to the rules. :slight_smile:

Good Job Alex!
Your site is A LOT better and you have greatly improved!

P.S. I am 13 too!

hey alex, you just need to compress your loops better… I’m sure you have them in the library. Right click them and click on properties.

One thing that I haven’ t seen mentioned before, so maybe its just me, but i think the preloader is out of alignment with the centered text below it. While its a little thing, as mentioned by EG, its the little things that count. Check to make sure that the alignment is right. If it is… its just me.

Huge improvement over v.1 Alex!! Congrats. I do agree with the loading in of music, that would cut down on the load time dramatically. Also, some of the images do look distorted as mentioned before. Your getting much better.

for some reason I was just looking around and noticed:
THis might look really cool if it moved fast! Like take the FPS really high so the page changes are really fast. You might wanna try it out and see if you like it, if you do you should put it up!

alex buddy try to bring downs the size of your website im on 56k and i honestly didnt wait till it loaded its 2 big and im a bit tired hence me not waiting to see your site i will check it out tomorrow but try to optimize the site and make it 56ker friendly lol good luck :beam:

i havent been able to work on it lately, i am loaded with school work. but i will get around to it

i fixed the loading speed, now it loads for me under 20 seconds.

i changed the font, does it look small. some one told me that it does, but it looks fine for me.


try to optimize the site and make it 56ker friendly

This is great advice.

One thing that may be advantage to you if your site is going to take 20seconds over Broadband connection is to possibly create an alternative (html for example) site for those that aren’t lucky enough to have a broadband connection. 20 seconds on broadband is a LOT more on 56k connection dont forget.

If your looking to get customers from your site, or to get your portfolio seen, i think that would be a great way to go about it.

Otherwise, intead of having it all load at once (like yours does), break it up into smaller movies and have them load upon request. Ie if the user clicks on portfolio, you can still have the slider effect but have the thumbnails and data load on the fly. You will see this effect in sites like unflux for example. Makes loading much faster and less restrictive to the surfer.

Alex go back to bigger fonts please :slight_smile:

I cant read it! RED ALERT RED ALERT


for some reason it looks fine for me. can you post a screen shot??

  • You have a loading bar box, but no loading bar!
  • Text is way too pixelated and small

it looks fine to me, can you print screen to show me. for some reason it looks different on my computer…

I think you have to embed your font or something Alex, perhaps it’s one that’s on your computer that no one else has. Hope you like my drawing =)

this is what it looks like to me…