Www.AlexsDesigns.net V2

lol! not quite the same is it? something to do with your fonts m8… am I right in saying that he needs to embed them? someone? anyone? :]

yea, way to small, i cant read anything. and i agree, a load bar box, with no load bar is kinda like a nav bar with only words… no substance!! here is a screen shot. nice design again tho, and im likin the scrolling between sections. OH, and the phone bg, under contact, nice touch.

yea asphalt… embed your fonts Alex, and make sure that the x, y cords are set to WHOLE numbers.

i have no idea how to do this. :frowning:

those are dynamic textboxes correct? if so, click on the box, and then look in your properties panel. right next to Var: to the right, you should see a box named Character. Click it, and then check off All Characters, and then done. That should solve that much. As for the x,y, those are on the left, right next to the W, and H boxes

Oh, just make sure that the x,y are set for something like 104.0, instead of 104.4. Also, pixel fonts work best in multiples of 8, otherwise they tend to get distorted

what does embed fonts actually do again? I just hear people fling the term around :wink:

it embeds the Character outline inside of flash, so that if a user doesn’t have the font installed on their pc, it will display how you want. Like, if ur using Verdana, and I dont have it, my computer will choose the closest thing to it. Sometimes this messes up the whole flow of a page. Embedding the character outline ensures that they see Verdana, installed on their pc or not.

ah, gotcha :wink: ta

no prob, but dang, im havin trouble with wut IM doing now, hah.

i have change the font, can some one please post a screen shot so i know how much more to make it bigger.

thanks for your help

ya missed 1 box, in the new updates section.

thanks for helping out. :slight_smile:

no problem

Alex, that is so much better than the last time i looked. I’m on 56k here at work and last time i gave up after about 5 min. I have no sound here so can’t say anything about that. FYI it loaded in about 40 seconds… The fonts that peeps are talking about are clear for me, but why not do the menu fonts the same or render in html? Only problem i had was FPS… I’m on an old P1 200 here and it was quite jerky… Your slowly getting there, just a general polish up is all thats required…

I really like your transitions between sections (apart from the jerkyness which is probably more on my end).
