My portfolio site, any feedback appreciated…
Very Cool concept.
Althought I’d animate the skills tab and a couple of rollovers. Maybe add a caption that says drag. Designers can figure it out but normal clients might not had figured it out.
Other than that it’s really good work
i would definitely add a drag caption. i like everything else though.
i think the site would look a lot better centred in the screen. Also the font used is quite blurred, maybe pixel fonts?
Overall I like the site, and your portfolio work was very good.
yeah, agree with MrG, use another font. otherwise good work.
btw I had to laugh when seeing the domain name because there a dude on another forum I used to frequent whose domain name is (doesn’t have the domain anymore though) .
Nice idea, but I think maybe you should descirbe your work more detailed. What exactly you did and who your clients were. Maybe you should also put your picture on the website, because for a client it’s very important how the people, he’d like to hire, look like. Your works are very well I really like them. I also propose to use another color than blue, because it affects very dissociating. If you know what I mean, it’s a very cold color. Maybe you should use orange or green. But this is just my personal oppinion.
I like the site. Your client work is presented pretty well, I like the drag-and-drop functionality.
Definitly rockin. Personally, it’s not that “exciting” of a site, but it is designed as a client showcase, so it fits it’s purpose perfectly. Perhaps a logo or something might help… or contact info. More prominent navigation could help? The font definitly needs to go. Anti-Aliased system text = dog crap. I’d reccomend Size 10 Bold Verdana aliased. Other than that, I think your site rocks!
Thanks everybody, I’ll take it all into consideration…