Yay? or nay...?


I like that monkey but I think it needs a bit more attitude, try these


i agree with the others, im not feeling the mokey. Everything else looks nice and clean to me, looks pretty good overall.

Still think something is just not clicking with the monkey it looks more like an illustration than a logo. And as a logo I just dont think it is a strong one. You have alot riding on the effectiveness of your logo. Which is why I am riding on it do hard.

It’s better than the demon-monkey, but it still doesn’t quite fit. I’m not sure what’s wrong this time, but I think it might have somethign to do with the large “mane” and grayscale colours.

I thought the kirate guy was cool

i know what you mean about it looking more like an illustration… i think i have to go 2D then… ill see what i can do

I thought the kirate guy was cool

maybe a karate monkey ? :thumb:

like in lion king;)

well its not a karate moneky! hes not quite finished but… not sure how i should blend the badge in

I think the scan lines and the big chinese guy are a step in the wrong direction. :td: What you had before was good.

Side thought: You can make reference to monkeys without including any monkeys. Example: a banana.