You’re monkey looks more possesed now that it did before. And that star thing is, nuh-uh. Also, I think you should have the ninja guy facing inward as opposed to outward (from the image). And when DDD says blend through, I think what he means is that the guy should look like he’s ontop of the grey part as opposed to under it.
I think this is a case of the artist not knowing when to put the brushes down. Which is a common problem. Billy I think you have slid a little back on these last outings. coppertops composition was the strongest and most balanced. But I do admire your persistance and willingness to try new things.
i agree with you, his does strike a better balance when you look at the page, but i want to get this monkey character right because id like to use him elsewhere… and thank you for your compliment. persistence and open mindedness are two values i value greatly!
coppertop! has he stopped giving you nightmares yet? :lol: no… seriously why is my monkey so crappy?
I think it’s the breed of monkey you chose. I would pick a slightly more friendly looking monkey.
And I agree with DDD, I admire your persistance.
EDIT: but this edited monkey is a step in the right direction. I’ll find a good sample pic for you to use.
You should do the monkey all one colour. And more like the clipart one you had.
i cant use an afrian monkey cos its an oriental syle… the third one is cool, i saw it yesterday but the pic is too small to vecotrize well…
thanks for trying… gonna get some monkey books out the library!
DDD gonna get pissed with me now! im happy with the main layout, here is my plan for the splash…
try centering the face a little more and moving the mail button. Aside from that it looks good! I like the rings.
I liked the other ones much better but that’s just me.
Splashes are bad, don’t use them
Looks ok though.
why are splashes bad njs??
:: billy :: The latest pic is nice, alot more balanced than the other pics, although it sorta is in another direction. Im not sure on what your trying to do , but i always had the idea that the splash page was a echo or was a preview to what the site was to look like.
in any case, latest one looks good, not to say its the best concept because the other layout if taken further might of looked better. I, like DDD was interested in a “karate stance” dude blended into the grey concept…
glad to see you persisting though.
well here is my plan… splash is the central logo above… i am going to have an html site i think (although i have never done one) because i have a lot more corporate clients who will not have flash player. i am confident enough in my work to not use flash in the site.
the main layout i want to do something similar to the structure of…
the images are attached!
ps… when you guys say ‘blended’ have i not done that in this layout? im slightly confused as i dont use ps much and my idea of blended may be dif to ures!
Hahaha - I’m glad you used my banana idea :D. Looks good!
I think I know what NJS means by “spash pages suck”. According to the book “The son of websites that suck” (sequal to the book “websites that suck”) it dictated that spash pages generally are a waste of time as it is one more click before the user gets to what they are looking for, and it takes up bandwidth in the process. There are a few incidents where it was determined as ok, such as when you have many versions of a site (example given was the EU website, which had a page in each lanuage of the EU). I can’t remember much else, but the guy presented a good point.
My self, I try not to use them mostly for bandwidth reasons (when I had a website, I originally didn’t have much bandwidth at all, so I had to avoid using it where I could) and that’s kinda stuck. Mind you, I do enjoy them sometimes if they are particularly eye catching. And I agree with what .soulty said about them being like a cover on a book. Really, it’s a toss up.
maybe you can make it smaller?i believe if you make it smaller it won’t hurt other’s eyes that much…
I like the monkey in post #27 better, with the red eyes it looks a bit wild. It’s getting better each time I view it. Keep at it…
i think the fundamental dilemma is with the monkey…
while i understand coppertop and DDD thinking it looks a bit posessed… i would like people to look at it and think something like (hardass kung -fu monkey) :lol:
i think it needs to be a bit disturbing to fulfil that, id be interested to hear which version of the monkey prefer and exactly why!
I think you’re looking for a monkey like this:
does that not reak of asskickingness?
:lol: good find mate!! he is one wiley looking sneaky ninja monkey! ill see what i can do with him