You Americans finally catch up

You guys finally decided to catch up with us Canadians and the rest of the world… :player:

Your money is finally being changed - it’s about time! I couldnt imagine being drunk out of my mind and trying to pay someone 10 bucks for a cab ride and slippin’ him a 100 and saying “keep the change” :hat:

haha stupid americans shakes head


you would only do that ONCE…

When you grow up with all money the same size, etc., then you rarely make a mistake with a $100 bill… maybe a 20 instead of a 10, but rarely a $100…

You Canuck’s get real sloppy when you drink, eh?


i like the benjamins too much to make the mistake of giving someone a $100 bill, even when i’m drunk out of my mind. haha

hahah - yah we do get sloppy drunk up here, I mean just look at our beer… :slight_smile:

Our lite beer is harder than your average beer in most cases :wink:

I do see your point though - I think that mistake would only have to happen once and that would be the end of that… :slight_smile:

speak of beer in your neighborhood…

The Ales in my 'hood are between 5% and 9% alcohol… (no one who likes to drink beer, drinks Bud), and only women and amateurs drink lite beer…

I can honestly say I have never given even a $20 thinking it was something else… No matter how wasted I was… If I am too drunk to read the bill, then I should have gone home quite a while ago…



*Originally posted by reverendflash *
I can honestly say I have never given even a $20 thinking it was something else… No matter how wasted I was… If I am too drunk to read the bill, then I should have gone home quite a while ago…


Rev **

Very true, but sometimes it just doesnt happen that way :slight_smile:

What kind of beer do you drink? Do you only drink imported or “high quality” brew or are you the kind who doesnt care as long as it’s wet and has alcohol?

i like boddington’s a lot.

Imported you say??? :sure:

I have a feeling REV enjoys many of the local micro brews found in his area as well as those from a bit further North… d’amn there are so many great ones from that area!

So am I right REV, eh? :wink:


cool, i just hope the new colour is green! lol

That suxs


*Originally posted by Ryall *
**Imported you say??? :sure:

I have a feeling REV enjoys many of the local micro brews found in his area as well as those from a bit further North… d’amn there are so many great ones from that area!

So am I right REV, eh? :wink:

Peace **

Actually I am very fussy when it comes to beer. It needs to be dark, and “have a bit of hair on it.”

I really prefer Potato Vodka, on the rocks…



who has trouble keeping track of our money? it has these nice things called numbers on them…and oh…there’s the different president heads too…makes sense to me

yes but now they are in Color… COLOR!!! What am i going to do?! im going to totally have to buy new clothes to go with my 20 dollar bill! hehe jk

lol ray. yeah but it is gonna be cool. as long as its not pink. what time tomorow will it be announced?

our Aussie money is all colourful and purdy :love:

ARRRRRRRRRRRRGH, now it will look like Monopoly money. I like all my cash being green, it has a certain symmetry to it, a balance. This is just plain un-American.

We need to start an e-mail your Congressman campaign right away. Where’s Phil? He’ll know what to do…

uh-oh, someone woke up the older fart…

be afraid Kirupalvania, be very afraid…


crap, now I have to figure out how to counterfeit YET ANOTHER TWENTY. This totally sucks.

MUAHHA! My friend’s aunt works at a bank and knew about this about months ago!

(psst. Blue)