Today is Whoohoo day!
Today is Whoohoo day!
lol sorry for missing it Crayon-Inc, a very happy birthday and best wishes =)
:party: :party:
I’ll change the title… ppl arnt posting
^LOL i m sooo sorryyy…i checked the thread and became blank…hahaha i m like whats woohoo day…must be the day when kirupa was launched…hahaha…HAPPY BIRTHDAY Crayon-Inc…so like whts the plan birthday boy…
Sorry pal - crayons were never my thing anyway
Hope its a good one.
It’s not his birthday… it’s bokkes birthday…
^who is bokkes now?? oh well happy birthday to whoever this thread is opened for…
Look at the link Crayon posted.
Rofl yeah… why would I congratulate myself
^dunno…maybe one of those days when u feel like congratulating urslef.
Anyways…happy b’day bokkes…ur b’day sure has been confusing for a lot of people who didnt bother to click on the LINK crayon posted
They wern’t mine either… just a name I made up
I like permenent markers…
I forgot to say happy birthday
Are ppl getting lazier and lazier! THEY WONT EVEN CLICK LINKS!!! WTF?!
OHO for the upteenth time HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOKKE, sorry to have called u bokkes
i have now checked and rechecked this post for any spelling errors…hope it meets your approval .harish
teehee crayon-Inc, sheer laziness…nothing else
I cant find upteenth on my number chart… I still got ∞ more pages to go!
∞ = infiniti (if you didn’t know)
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