Your brain on drugs



Feedback:Not the best ever.You can do better i know you well.

Suggestion add lighting and try some artisti effects if you dont like that do a chrome effect in Sketch

*Originally posted by Kaotic *

thoughts? **

I think you meant to say
“Any questions?”

oh lol

any one here still remember those commercials besides me and seno?

looks good btw :wink: theres something nice going on at the top with the color gradation. It could use some spicing up though… Id like to see it larger with a little more depth in color :smiley:

hmm ok, ill see what comes outta my fiddlin


ah… yeah that gave it more depth :wink:

I can almost see it as looking down on to a shiney record and having the reflections warping in front of my eyes (I would assume from a drug induced delusion) Looks a little aliased around the edges… I guess you just scaled up the previous one?


nah thats the origional size, the previous one was scaled down cause i didnt know how it would turn out

I am sorry, but I am not impressed. It looks like you just threw a whole bunch of filters together on a gradient.

vanna did he get the one million dollar question…

yes he did
johnny tell him what his prize is…:whistle:

hmm boredom breed nondesireable thing

I agree with lost.

seems like just little ripple effecto!:smirk:
I editied it a bit :slight_smile:
morre dirrty


im working right now with a pic of myself, im tryin to look scarry!:sigh:

kaotic…you do to much of this type of thing…its kinda getting boring and outdated…no offense…but try other things too

ummm… what has this got to do with my brain on drugs? :slight_smile:

well he asked for comments…

“it’s getting boring and outdated”

i’ve been watching this forum for quite a while now, and i haven’t seen THAT much repetitive stuff from kaotic. Perhaps this piece wasn’t the most original or funky looking thing on the forum, but it’s not exactly trendwh0r-ish.

also i’m not quite sure what ‘it’ is in this case… do you mean digital images are getting outdated :stuck_out_tongue:

but i also think mdipi is kinda right in that the piece doesn’t seem to have a focus, just a bunch of effects. Personally i think the best stuff has a theme, or some kind of individual identity…
