After a long time of putting it off because of … I dunno… being scared I guess, I finally watched it. From the start to the finish.
I’m a 29 year old guy and I’m generally not easy to stir up emotionally, but I started crying two times during the movie and had to pause it to kind of compose myself.
I know I’m like 4 years late in the game or whatnot but… I dunno, for people like myself that hasn’t been able to watch it yet…
A friend told me about this. It’s basically a documentary that discusses the verity of religion and the 9/11 incident. It’s meant to be controversial, as it asserts quite a few things without backup or references.
I did not watch the full movie (but did skim through it a bit) but just based on the “transcripts” and “Q&A” links on the page along with skimming through the movie it would appear the site deals with 911 conspiracy (among other things) but more importantly the defamation of Christianity seems to be the real agenda by the makers of this site/movie.
Threads About Religion/Politics/Etc.
Threads about religion, politics, and other controversial/argumentative subjects will not be allowed on the forums. There are plenty of other forums on the web better suited to discuss those topics. These topics only lead to endless arguments that don’t serve the best interests of this friendly, tech-oriented community.
Why is it religion should not be discussed, however so many threads in the Random section have posts that marginalize religion (well more poignantly Christianity) without issue?
A) I doubt this is allowed here
B) Sekasi, I suggest taking a look at the ‘references’ noted at the end. You’ll notice that each one is listed about 5 times in different place and some as much as 15 or more just to inflate it. Backing things up with lies isn’t really backing it up.
Hey, I’m pretty sure talking about a political movie is allowed as long as you don’t flare out into a debate about political opinions and ideologies.
Either way, I don’t want to spark a war here. If you choose not to believe any of it, I won’t protest. All I wanted to do was to at least advice people to watch it. After that you can make up your own mind about the information presented.
I think that as long as you keep the thread focused on the movie and not the debate itself, it should be fine:)
Now about the movie, I must say it was interesting to watch. I would have liked a bit more in depth analysis, but nevertheless it was a good documentary. Plus it made me watch again the shows of George Carlin and Bill Hicks
I’m a fan. I do wish they’d cited some sources a bit more thoroughly, but I thought it was a well done flick. They’re not so much defaming any religion in particular as they are pointing out the similarities between a few of them. I forget where exactly, but there’s a site out there where you can watch Bill Cooper’s entire ‘Mystery Babylon’ series. If you liked ‘Zeitgeist’, you’ll dig that too.
Sorry everyone - discussing political topics (movies, etc.) is not allowed. While your intentions are good sekasi, it is better to end these topics at the beginning as opposed to waiting for things to fall apart before closing the thread and possibly having to deal with unruly members.
prg9 - if there is a thread that marginalizes religion, let a mod know…for that isn’t allowed here either.