300 times

nope, i don’t spoil him that much. i need time to go fishing and stuff still. hehehe :beam:

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
You know, you’re thinking about that subject way too much boys. :wink:

men/boys talk much more than women/girls, but wonem/girls think more about “it” :stuck_out_tongue:

Watch anime…
Mispell a word…
Help a friend…


*Originally posted by fluid_0ne *
**men/boys talk much more than women/girls, but wonem/girls think more about “it” :stuck_out_tongue: **

actually we do think about it more then you guys, you know why?

cuz 5 minutes and you guys are pfft, satisfied and spent. i have yet to find an easier thing then getting a guy off.

whereas us, we take a bit more thought. aaaaaaand, usually we don’t get it as good as we want it. therefore, we think about it more cuz you guys cant please us.

heheheh. jkjk. but it is true according to surveys that we think about it about the same i think.

i no’!

red where have you been? you slowed posting down,and so you fish like every day? even in the winter?

*Originally posted by mdipi.com *
**red where have you been? you slowed posting down,and so you fish like every day? even in the winter? **

ice fishing baby! :smiley:
and i’ve not been around really cuz i’m on vacation. i still luv yous guys though :beam:

*Originally posted by redGolgi *
**actually we do think about it more then you guys, you know why?

cuz 5 minutes and you guys are pfft, satisfied and spent. i have yet to find an easier thing then getting a guy off.

whereas us, we take a bit more thought. aaaaaaand, usually we don’t get it as good as we want it. therefore, we think about it more cuz you guys cant please us.

heheheh. jkjk. but it is true according to surveys that we think about it about the same i think. **

i won’t push this thread any further, cuz’ it’s forum for all of us…
18+ thread won’t be welcomed here

but not every guy “finishes” in 5 minutes, ya no’ :stuck_out_tongue:
it’s all just a matter of technique :sure:

*Originally posted by fluid_0ne *
**i won’t push this thread any further, cuz’ it’s forum for all of us…
18+ thread won’t be welcomed here

but not every guy “finishes” in 5 minutes, ya no’ :stuck_out_tongue:
it’s all just a matter of technique :sure: **

yeah. i know :beam: hence the jkjkjk bit at the end…

most of you are like 2… hehehe!

still jk

and in an attempt to clean it up,


Let’s keep it decent everyone :bandit:

For me it would have to be listening to the Bee Gees / U2 / REM. I think I have listened one of the aforementioned groups’ music at least once everyday for the past 3 or 4 years :sleep:

Kirupa :asian:

log on kirupaforum.com… =)

*Originally posted by Replode, ignored by ahmed *
**Oh yeah, and try to use something other than visit the forums, cause then all the answers would probably be the same.:stuck_out_tongue:
Somebody didn’t read the rules - not going to mentionin any names or anything :x j/k ahmed!

Kirupa :rambo:

download or listen to mp3’s

Always start reading it from the first page :stuck_out_tongue:

changing my nokias’ background (almost every day :P)


saying a prayer thanking god for my life and everything beautiful in this world

i don’t believe in him…
too may bad things happening…

thats a shame fluid
bad things happen because men make them happen (and women, i just meant men like humans), not because god makes them happen. He gave us free will, it’s us who fignewton things up, imo.

[color=red]dun wanna 2 offend anybody right now[/color] but

  1. a lot of bible is just a CRAP! (eg. how somebody could send himself to impregnate his own mother and procrate himself?)
  2. 3/4 priests ar thieves and they will tell me what’s right and wrong

lot more, but too sensitive topic…

fluid_0ne… as always: :-\

As for the rest of this thread: w00t! I didn’t think one word could possibly do that to a thread… oh well :thumb: ‘mad skillz’ by me :wink: