300 times

play quake? :beam… oh wait… that’s 300 hoursper fortnight :wink:

*Originally posted by [m] *
and I blink waaaay more that 300 times a year, more like 300 times a month.

I’m pretty sure that humans blink more then 300 times a day! (accept for babies, they don’t seem to blink much)

I feed my rats more the 300 times a year.
I turn on my pc more then 300 times a year.
I contact my home planet at least once a day… :alien:

you have rats? rats are so cool. i used to have a few. then i had a friend babysit them for a month while i was goin to school and he stole them! would not give em back. lol.
woops, sorry tangent,

more things i do 300 times a year :

play morrowind!!!
think about morrowind!
dream about morrowind!

See i watch way way more then 300 episodes of simpsons a year. With my satalite dish i cna catch up to 8 episodes a day. When there are only around 320 episodes so far it is very easy to say I ahve seen every episode at least twice(probably more).

I also have the first 2 seasons on DVD so i’m never with out a day i cna’t watch them.

Rats are cool!

I was wondering if anyone knows how to train rats, because mine sleep all day and wait until I turn my light off to start crashing around the cage to keep me up.

I love the Simpsons, but I prefer Futurama now! I have all the current DVD box sets for both (they are going to make so much money from me…)

Has anyone read Matt Groenings life in hell series? Its worth reading!

I’m sure I blow my nose many more then 300 times a year!

Ya i love futurama and i jsut recently started to read “life is hell”. I still haveto go out and buy the Futurama box set. That and the Family guy Box set. I wonder if there are any south park box sets yet. I wathc that show 300 times a year easaly.


The Family Guy box set is totally funny. The first and second South Park seasons are out on DVD now.


I play Medal Of Honor Spearhead at least 300 times in a half of year

I hit print about 20 times at work a day. Thats about 5200 times a work year alone.

I pet my parrot a few times a day. (African Grey)
Feed it…and stuff

I type well over 300 emails.

I burn probably over 300 CD’s (work/home)

I edit more than 300 HTML Pages

I use more than 300 gallons of gas.

I drive more then 300 miles.

I use more then 300 staples

I wipe (tp) over 300 times

futurama rocks! to bad it got canncelled (or did it caue i never see it and a site said it was…)

FOX usually shows it at the 7PM slot on Sundays if there’s nothing to fill.

*Originally posted by fester8542 *
**I hit print about 20 times at work a day. Thats about 5200 times a work year alone.

I pet my parrot a few times a day. (African Grey)
Feed it…and stuff

I type well over 300 emails.

I burn probably over 300 CD’s (work/home)

I edit more than 300 HTML Pages

I use more than 300 gallons of gas.

I drive more then 300 miles.

I use more then 300 staples

I wipe (tp) over 300 times **

he is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!
can i play with him?

the bird or fester :slight_smile:


fester of course. :wink:

*Originally posted by redGolgi *
he is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!
can i play with him? **

<b>ITS A SHE!!!:trout:</b>

<i> I think :slight_smile: </i> … Greys are hard to sex. Im pretty sure because of her tail coloring and her personality.

You can play with her anytime… but at your own risk. She plays nice most of the time, but she has been know to bite girls just because they are girls :thumb:

*Originally posted by redGolgi *

fester of course. :wink: **

woooo hooooo!

ill bite her back then. :wink:

*Originally posted by redGolgi *
**ill bite her back then. :wink: **

Oh dont do that!

Then I would have to bite you :wink:

hmmm… i see
very interesting
what if i bit her twice?

hehe this could get interesting…