That detail on the head is amazing. Good job man! Can’t wait to see it textured (unless it’s a statue).
Thanx ContinuumXLS, I put a lot of detail in the ball handle of the sword but unless I do a closeup in the final render you won’t see it. I am totally mixing up time periods here cause the sword was modeled from a middle age piece and the armor is more Roman than not…but still this is more a fictional image than fact… :hugegrin:
Thanx Reefster glad you like the piece, tho this guy is going to be a statue but I am sure you will like the aging texture I will but on it.
… well … back at it I guess…
finished off the armor today and started the cloak… will post a completed image of the ‘Sentury’ when the cloak is done… huge image… Talk about your time consumption…
the statues look uber cool, but I’m not feeling the soldier bust’s all over the railings. I would make them a little simpler.
edit: and a little shorter to, because you have such a short railing.
Hey copertop thanks man… glad you dig it, I was planning on cutting down the number of those statues, after seeing the scene for a while now … you are right… the amount of busts may be over the top…
Now that I am finished the majority of this senturian I can get back to the scene and finish it up… lots more still to do
jaw falls off completely
holy ****, would you look at that cloak! That is one hellishly nice cloak! I like where this is going.
Thats a very nice job! That cloak is beautiful…:drool:
looking great
Thanx you all… yeah I put a few hours into that cloak… I like the way it went as well… too bad all that will be almost a background shot… :ne:
but then again: it’s all about the details. 3 thumbs up! :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
I want a real cloak like that…
Hey coppertop he he … when I 'm done with the scene I could let you have that cloak…
Well I finished modeling the dome and the statues… I am sure I will add something else to it but the large part of it is over… now it is back to the castle portion and maybe add a second level to that, make it more ballistrade
we’ll see…
wow dude, looking really nice… :thumb:
that statue, esp the armor and of course cloak are just outstanding. Even though they will be background elements, it is like I said in the begining of this thread (and someone just said recently) it is the details that will really make this project awesome. This project is definitly going towards the awesome!! Keep it up man, I love it.
That shot on it’s own would make an excellent desktop wallpaper.
Why thanx coppertop… thats awesome dude…
ryall, glad you like it man… will definatly keep making this better…
I put the dome in the scene finally… at the suggestion of someone on another forum… I enlargened the senturians to give them a ‘god’ like feel, but I am not too sure if I like them this way… ( what do you guys think…?)
I went back to the castle area to the left and added more detail there, as well as cleaned up some of the loose ends… still I feel like there should be more over there… any ideas…?
I guess with that done I will start to finish up the forground area then do some detail work on the dome again… it needs ledges and trim work… maybe drainage stuff… don’t know… I will have to see when I get there…
great progression. to me the god like figures do not balance with what is behind them, scale is kinda off. another thing that is confusing me is the colouring of their cloaks. i m not sure if many statues had multicoloured scheme to them.
Other than that and the obvious things your going to finish its looking really good.
woah man looking good!
i would say add some graniy textres to it so it kinda matches the mountains give it a bit of weathering. cos right know looks a little clean for the background.
im sure you knew that anyways but just thought i would add incase u forgot
This is starting to look amazing. I don’t know how you 3D guys do it.