Actually, Im a little bored. Whats new in the lives of those who ar still up?
Actually, Im a little bored. Whats new in the lives of those who ar still up?
just opening a few presents with my dads side of the family. Just watched bruce almighty.
and had a buffet.
all and all it was a good night. Im going to hit the hay soon.
How about you guys?
Being on here on Christmas eve is dedication. haha:beer:
[EDIT] or addiction, take your pick [/EDIT]:?)
Hows bruce almighty? Havent seen it.
I got to open presents from work today It seems they think I like to play video games a lot. I got some nintendo stuff :-\ … and thats all fine, but last year I got like $100 gift certificate to BestBuy. I was hoping for that. Oh well.
im installing new fonts on my computer, and thinking of a new website template. Even though i just updated to v4 of my website 2 days ago
so far:
Bruce almighty is a really funny movie. In a way this movie also sends out a valuable message. You have to see it.
wow alex, you’re racking in some dough So far so good eh?
*Originally posted by PluTunium *
**im installing new fonts on my computer, and thinking of a new website template. Even though i just updated to v4 of my website 2 days ago**
very good, but it comes and it goes. I need to pay my mom for car insurance.
(i think im going to keep $70 bucks to get a radar detector for my car:P:P:P)
maybe you should just not speed You aren’t exactly the luckiest person when it comes to road travel. The safer the better
*Originally posted by senocular *
I just watched West Side Story on DVD with my grandparents (ehemehem which i bought them) lol
bout to do the church thing, and gonna come home, light one up and browse the forums all night
Sitting here … doing nothing …
Hanging out at Kirupaville.
I did get $50 from my aunt and uncle tonight - so that was good
*Originally posted by senocular *
**Hows bruce almighty? Havent seen it.
I got to open presents from work today It seems they think I like to play video games a lot. I got some nintendo stuff :-\ … and thats all fine, but last year I got like $100 gift certificate to BestBuy. I was hoping for that. Oh well.
hilarious. but crappy ending.
Well im just testing out my new wireless keyboard and mouse which my gf purchased for me, at work i got 2 awesome books so i can keep learning :beam: and i still havent posted pics of my new 17" baby so im posting all pics o my presents, and i helped my kids with their presents as well its been a great christmas so far hope you guys have one too. :thumb:
now THAT is awesome.
i know im in love with it, i really like the multicard reader that way i dont have to hook up my digital camera to my pc i just stick in teh memory card and thats it :beam:
I would but my sister threw away the dress :-\ maybe next time lol
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