BattleField 1942

Will someone please, please… I beg you… .take this game from me. I went to bed at 4:00 am, because there was no way we were going to let the other team beat us. Yes… this was after starting at 11:00 pm.

This game is phenomenal. What team fortress 2 was supposed to be, but someone beat them to the punch.

Picture this:

An all out war scenario.

You can…

  1. do anything like a regular FPS (this weapon, that weapon)

  2. you can be one of several classes (scout, medic, engineer, assault). Each with different weapons.

  3. Command ANY vehicle or weapon (gunships, carriers, apc, jeep, tank, artillery, planes)


simply awesome.

Now, if I could just get some sleep…

THis game ROCKS! I love it! I think everyone should play it!

look for - milkman (fr) - that’s me

always ally, always medic, always screwing up with jeeps.

i might be buying it this week =)

someone else must be playing this…

Good game! I like flying the planes!

me too!

You have the road to rome montoya? Its a pretty good expansion. Rocket launching tank things, howitzers, can’t beat it. I just wish they’d make a kamikaze unit. Like if you can fly the plane into a ship, the ship dies, but the plane is like extremely hard to drive. That’d be awesome :).

plane manoeuvring is an extreme sport… it takes ages to learn and you’re never sure to use either keyboard or mouse…
Now I am able to pass underneath most large enough bridges, and shoot (not bomb) people on the ground…

But I prefer my jeep :beam:

is it multiplayer? If so, how is the online connection service? (Better than the that was used to host Rogue Spear?)…

i dont think this is ms, but i might be wrong…i think its like //cS cause finds servers

Nali, don’t tell him about the expansion :slight_smile:

Most people ping below 100 if they have a cable or dsl w/ a good computer. It’s hosted by

i use keyboard and mouse for fluing the plane

*Originally posted by Iammontoya *
**Will someone please, please… I beg you… .take this game from me. **

I have the same problem… but what the heck. :stuck_out_tongue:
Oh, and I re-installed Giants the other day. Whooo! Great fun.

you can set up dedicated servers, it doesnt have to be on gamespy, but gamespy lists them and manages too…
If you have a REALLY good computer (maybe a cluster) with a T-x connection then you can host a 64-people server…
mmhhhhh… Iwo Jima…

hey vts me too!
I steer wif the mouse and I use the arrow keys for accelerating and for eerrr… rotating the view when I turn! I don’t play it much though… and it lags like helll for me!