in all honesty your best bet to master DW is to buy a book, and just make “mock” sites. Familiarize yourself with the tools, frames, and menu options. Also play around with the behaviors and stylesheets. After that, you’ll pick up the rest as you go along
You got a point but you know how much a dreamweaver book costs at barnes and noble! no cheaper than 50 dollars
ahh yes your right. i forgot that everything cost about 50 times more than it should
now the question is. why are books for software more expensive than normal books. i paid 4.99 for a copie of sun tzu the art of war but yet i paid 25 smackers :trout: :trout: for a book about linux
well the reason behind that is, people figure developers make tons of money so they can afford it
Nah, not exactly Books for software cost more because more people are involved in testing, proofreading, and editing. The Art of War is a book from way back and written, edited, and proofread by one individual.
Also, computer books are not printed in large quantities like they do for “lasting” books such as Art of War, Tale of Two Cities, etc. Computer software and technology change so rapidly (every few years at least) so it would be pointless to read a book on Windows XP twenty years from now. Therefore, publishers only put out a small amount to satisfy the public’s interest in a book that will only be relevant for a few years. Hence, the higher cost.
In your case, Linux isn’t used by a large number of computer users for the most part. To compensate for the lower sales, a publisher increases the price of the book to hopefully meet and exceed the initial costs of printing, packaging, and shipping the book.
The larger the initial quantity of printed books, the cheaper the end result for the most part.
Kirupa :ub:
hmm okay, makes sense i guess, but my teachers told me that macromedia charges a lot for software and books, because they feel that people are making so much off their software, they have the right to charge a lot. and they do. but in this case i will agree with kirupa.
*Originally posted by Digitalosophy *
**hmm okay, makes sense i guess, but my teachers told me that macromedia charges a lot for software and books, because they feel that people are making so much off their software, they have the right to charge a lot. and they do. but in this case i will agree with kirupa. **
I guess it is a little bit of both. Though almost all the prices for Flash MX books (for example) are priced similarly: Spend less. Smile more. The software - definitely. Software is usually different than books because there is no competition. There is only one Macromedia Flash just like there is only one Adobe PhotoShop. Therefore software will always have its prices pushed higher.
(I split the thread so I wouldn’t be hijacking RB’s tutorials thread)
he pretty much explained it in way i completly understand
:toad: thanks kirupa but then what about the dummy books those are like dirt cheap. last time i checked i got a dummy book for 10 bucks :+)
Speaking of which if i was looking for a good book on flash what whould be a good choice. a book from macromedia which is smaller and more expensive but from the company or a third party book that is from users who write about flash. Is there any guarentee that the information in the third party book is gonna help me learn flash? i remember buying a book for dreamweaver and after reading the first page it became completly off topic.
:!: (WARNING: Reading “How To Use Dreamweaver and Fireworks 4” by Lon Coley will cause mass histeria and confusion of the topic. a person must stand 25’ away from the product or read it with sunglasses) :!:
Are you looking for ActionScript or introduction to Flash MX? The books here are pretty good: Flash MX Bible and Flash MX Complete Reference are excellent candidates
Kirupa :asian:
if you don’t want to pay a lot for books buy used books from I buy textbooks and stuff from there and I save a fortune. I bought a couple books that were $70.00 originally for $12.50 … it definately saves a butt-load of money…
Yeah, forgot about that. Amazon’s used books are excellent - they don’t ship them, but all of the sellers who I did buy from, I had no problems. There is a thread about that here if you are interested:
lol i didnt start this thread
actually it was your idea when I made the question. You see you started a huge chain reaction it started this entire brand spankin :trout: new Tread