Check it

need oppinion on my first attempt at a site

nice minimalistic site - just get rid of some popups and make other drawers close when you draw one -

ver good tho

sorry about the pop ups, i have not control over then what so ever because it is a free web service (I’m cheap)

as for the drawers, i’ll work on that

If you’re worried about seeing pop-ups, why not run a pop-up stopper program?

I Like the draw system, it would be good if you could find a way of making the open draws close when you click on another one (I haven’t a clue how you could do that, new to flash…)

define “finished with it”

Thats cool, i have never seen anything like this before, but it lacks color. Try to add more color. and it should turn out fine.:slight_smile:

when i re-do the lay out in about 3 weeks (i plan on keeping each laout for 2 months then changing it) i’ll keep that in mind

The drawer is buggy, you can click on everything without even opening the drawers, kind of confused me a bit in the beginning. I’m not sure how to fix that though.


I liked the files thing :slight_smile:
And I also agree with Maxtr0sity

i know how to fix that… check it later today, it should be fixed of all drawer problems

there, hopefully there are no more bugs

Otherwise, pretty cool though.



alright, now that my site is a little more complete, who has tips on what I can do?

quite nice, I remember doing something remarkably similar for my dad(never put it online though).
I noticed that when you have more than one drawer open you can still click the sections in the drawers you can’t see. maybe get some sound effects.
also you might want to leave the drawers open when you visit a section, as it can get irritating opening them each time.

(hehe, beauty is in the eye of the beer holder - haha! I love it!)

Sound FX, I have looked into, but I can’t find anything audiable or even of a good quailty.

by the way, I have a new server ( you can find me at


****it. Ok, don’t use .tk, go through because I am having difficulty with .tk

thanks Flwd