Convert your pc to apple :)

you might have seen this before…
oh well… :slight_smile:

use IE instead…

rotflmao thats cool man, but if you really want to turn your pc into a mac you can purchase this emulator wich lets ou run mac osx and other mas os not that anyone would want to do such a thing but for compatibility issues with pc and macs its a great option better than buying a mac, its not worth it lol


hahah wow. =)

some one did a good job with that

that was funny
but i couldn’t close it except by windows task maneger

yeah i read about it in MacAddict a while ago… nice :beam:

ah that messed up my computer!

file --> quit ?

i shut of my computer because i didnt think it would do anything. then it did something reall weird on start up. it was doing alot of things with presentages, i thought i would have to format the computer. Phew, it scared me

Relax, that was probably a disk check 'cause you didn’t quit Windows like you were suposed to.