Convice me

Ok, I’m just wondering if I should really buy Flash MX? Is there anything different? I’v downloaded the trial, and I don’t like the new interface. So thats a negative, but what about deeper? Is there better animation or tweening or something?

Should I buy it or not?

To me you have to buy MX because you have to stay current with the times. You can’t very well be a competitive web company / business and stay with flash 5 forever. And yes there are things you can’t do in flash 5 that you can do in Flash MX. A big one for me is the ability to load external mp3 files into flash MX without having to convert them to swf files. Same goes for photos, BIG DIFFERENCE If YOU ASK ME…


My personal and professional opinion is that MX is simply, much, much, much better. A/S is more streamlined, much more flexible. The interface will grow on you, or you can simply make it look like it did before. With loading of jpegs, music dinamically, scriptable masks, dot syntax, changes in script, etc. etc. etc…

Well…you get the idea.

Ok I’ll think about it. Since this thread is pretty much useless, check out my first advanced flash website…

hymmm that doesnt seem to work. hold on

ok try this…

hope that works…
im opening page, but I’v got 56k so its taking a while…

i used to like the flash 5 interface better… and the transition to MX seamed hard… but now that i have Mx

omg… i would never go back…

MX makes 5 seam like ****

I have to say that when I first tried using MX I had problems adapting to the new interface. Having spent a year or so with 4 and 5, it was just so totally different, I was looking for stuff that had been moved and in some cases didn’t even exist any more.

But after a week or two, I got the hang of where things were now, and it all got better. Then I found out how much simpleer and more powerful the ActionScripting had become, the components that were there that you could tweak…

I think it’s better. Certainly you can do more with it. You just have to remember that not everyone has the plug in for it yet.

Hey Morse how did you get the outline of the at the beginning of your flash animation from the main image? Photoshop or something else?

If You are used to using Dreamweaver, then Flash MX will make a lot of sense to you. If not, then I can see why it would seem kind of weird. It is totally worth it though! The time I have saved by using the ne Flash components rather than having to create them from scratch is huge!

from what i heard MX stunk. so i tried it out. OMG i loved it, talking with ppl who still used 5 were wanting to try it. i like the LoadVars code too. all in all, MX is worth the money and then some…

The actionscripting commands are more into Object-Oriented Module!

h88 how do you always change the color on your smilies? or are those your own?

no, its my own, not my own, but from other forums!


–I was pioneering a new idea (a little inspiration from, and took a few hourse to trace lines by hand. Next time I use a picture that complicated, I’ll use ArcView to trace the lines automatically. What really gave me hell was trying to fade all thoes lines to an Alpha of of 0%. Took about 60 Layers.

man thats alot of work. ihave never heard of ArcView is it pretty good?

Yea, but its really expensive. Its corperate software. brb

I checked it out…looks really cool. Reminds me of all the amazing graphs you see in WIRED.