I was a big hulk fan, Im interested in seeing how that one turns out.
Im dont care too much for Affleck either. Thats probably a major deterrent in my seeing DD in the theaters. That and Ive never really read any of the dare devil comics before. I have no history with it, so I cant really connect.
…Spiderman I adored though (I had the jammies as a kid and all) so that kind of stunk :-\
dont forget to post your thoughts after seeing it Jubba
Well. the Hulk I’ll admit right now, looks a little over CGI’d. However, as I said to my friend when we watched the trailer… I’d rather see a well made cartoon of the Hulk than no movie at all. I’ll deal with it.
The scene when he’s spinning a tank around by the barrel finaly throwing it, is absolutely the coolest looking thing I’ve ever seen.
I finished the trillogy an hour before steping into the theatre for the first movie.
I’ll agree… and furthermore, if you’re going to place a movie like spiderman along side LOTR, I’d say that spiderman looks pretty piss poor comparatively. (I use a sliding scale on movies dependent upon what I’m expecting from the actors/director/producers/writers, compared to what is produced.)
spiderman was not intended to be a movie like LOTR, its target audience is different and the plot and characters are developed much differently than if the audience were people who enjoyed LOTR. most of my friends HATE LOTR with a passion but love spiderman, its all a personal opinion, but i liked spiderman as well because i’m a huge comic book fan…must have thousands of dollars worth of comics in my home
i just finsihed The Hobbit…now onto The Silmarillion =) i feel kinda wierd reading the trilogy than reading the stuff backwards, i but i couldn’t stop myself from reading the last 2 books b4 reading hobbit…
my comics are invaluable to me…i would never sell them!!! but i understand your pain sen i acidently ripped a page off one of my comics and i almost cried the whole night! ok maybe i never cried but it sure hurt
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO in THAT CASE i SHALL nEVER marry and have kids!! i’ll be macking for the rest of my life!!!
even if i DO somehow magically get married, then i will be BURIED with my comics and maybe even create a comic book PYRAMID!!! HA! take that sen! and people hundreds of years from now will wonder how I created the comic book pyramid…
wait a minute, how DID i create it? one of you knows and isn’t telling me…speak up! ;( :crazy: :crazy:
yes, i agree. as in the words of the spooky jhonen vasquez… “children are criminally insane and must be destroyed.” :beam:
sorry to burst any bubbles, but i had a few beefs with LOTR. nothing huge here, but there were a few things that really bothered me. ok, in the first film, the camera seemed to really have some kind of lust for frodo’s (elijiah wood) eyes. yah, so they’re blue, get over it! there were so freeking many close-ups of that boy’s face. what a dang ego trip.
for the second movie, they did better, as frodo wasn’t the main point in that one. there was, however, a problem with the hobbits’ feet… they flapped when they walked (obviously made of rubber). this part was really more funny than anything. another boo boo i noticed was when that fort thing was being attacked and the good guys were crossing this bridge part where the bad guys were comming at them. the good guys in the front knocked down all the bad guys, but because the bad guys were CG, the good guys at the back of the line could not see this, and continued to hack and slash away at the nothingness.