yo… I’m listening to the DragonBall GT theme, and I can’t get it out of my head! I’m listening to it OVER and OVER and OVER… it’s a freakin good song… have any of you guys heard it?
yup, but I never really liked the series…only the part where the dragons come and goku goes ssj4 and vejita as well
but yea, the theme is nice
I used to like the dragonball Z theme as well…always humming it in class…and pretending to be Vejita calling people pathetic humans inferior race and calling myself prince…those were the good ole days
i thought GT waSNT out yet/>
it isn’t, Cartoon Network is on DBZ still…nearing the end…
i downloaded the subs LONG time ago…the series finished in Japan very very long time ago
CN is just milking the episodes by playing reruns over and over…
yeah, it isn’t, but I’ve seen every episode already grin
GT ended like 3 years ago in japan…
And I LOVE DBZ, too bad I don’t have cable to watch it on cartoon network. My favorite Vegeta line is after he gets married to Bulma, and is planning to enter a tournament,
Bulma: But what about all the press?
Vegeta: If the press gets in the way, I’LL DESTROY THEM!!!
ahh! this song is sooooo catchy, if only it werent in Japanise
it has some lines in english… like “hold your hand” and “winding road”