Take a bite into one orange from each basket and when you bite into one that taste like sh!t, you found the rotten basket. I WIN I WIN I WIN I WIN!!
If it was 3 oranges, you could measure two against each other. If one outweighed the other, it was the rotten orange. If they were the same weight, the one you didn’t weigh is rotten.
BUT… There’s 5. Best I can come up with so far is to weigh 2 oranges against 2 oranges. If they’re the same weight, easy enough, the left over orange is rotten. If one side’s heavier, open both oranges up and you only waste one orange.
Alternately, you could look at the orange and see what you SAW, the cut the oranges in to two HAlVES and you’ll HAVE the knowledge as to which orange is rotten.
… Sorry, Jubba. Couldn’t resist.
It is possible I smeel a fink here.
Could the answer be something thus; Check the basket and find the oranges that are being buzzed by fruit flies?
<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/ohwell.gif ALT=":">
I’ve been thinking about it and I still don’t see why Phil’s idea doesn’t work. Maybe Pom doesn’t completely understand how it works.
I put two oranges on each side of the scale. Each one has the basket it came from on its side. So…
(I’m not sure if ASCII art works on EZboard.)
0 = basket
1 = orange
|, -,, / = weight
0 0
|1| |1|
0 0
Now, I check which side’s heaviest: left or right? If they’re the same weight, the left-over basket is rotten. If the left side’s heavier, I take the oranges closest to me off each side (left and right).
So now I’m comparing two oranges. If the two oranges weigh the same amount, the removed orange is the rotten orange.
If one orange is heavier than the other that it’s the rotten orange.
Now I just check which basket is the co-responding basket (as per the one that’s closest to the orange) and I know that it’s the rotten one.
Try to prove that one wrong, Pom!
i don’t have to prove you wrong, you’re cheating. I said 1 and only weighing. Taking oranges off the scale would count as 2, not 1.
Actually, I said 5, but I could have said 20 baskets.
pom 0]
That’s the cleverness in it all! I’m not actually doing 2 weighings, I’m… Well, I suppose it’s debatable.
For the love of god, just give us the answer, then.
I forgot to say something important. 1 regular orange weights 100 gramms. Thus a rotten one 110 gramms. Awfully sorry guys, I only just noticed. <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/embarassed.gif ALT=":o">
pom 0]
Whatever. Just give us the answer. I can’t figure it out.
After all this time you just come out with neccessary and important information?
Tis too late to try again. Diito what live said; Answer now please! We have waited long enough.
Truely sorry guys. So here it is. Since you can’t focus on the weight of the darn oranges, you have to focus on the difference of weight. That’s why you’ll take 1 orange from the first basket, 2 from the second, 3 from the third and so on.
You’ll have 1+2+3+4+5=15 oranges. I all of them were normal, it should weight 15*100= 1500 grams. Now if the weight is 1510 grams, it means that only one orange is rotten, hence it’s the 1st basket. If the weight is 1520…
THere !!!
pom 0]
That makes sense.
Who’s next?
I never noticed your little line. I don’t know what to think about it.
pom 0]
Little line?
Y’mean “Insignificant, really.”?
Yep. I don’t know what to think about mine either…
Makes me think that I have to find another enigma…
pom 0]
mines pretty straight forward.
Hmmm, sounds pretty simple, i am surprised I didn’t see it. Insignificant really, is cute, Jubba is self explanatory (he thinks hes old when he’s 19, ok…)Wake up Neo…Thats got a little bit of Euro class. Flashhopper? gotto get that changed soon. I did almost an entire site in Dreamweaver today. Pretty simple layout and about 100 links thus far, it was pretty simple. 12 hours our so. Most of it was just laying out the tables and figuring out how they operate, they are tricky little @#%$ er’s. I got the idea to do this when the argument flared, this way no one can talk back to me, disagree or anything… Doh! :lol:
ha, fossil man you mean…ooooh ok…i was confused. I don’t mean that I’m old, I plan on majoring in Archaeology, thats where the whole fossil thing comes from.
The long version is “Insignificant in the grand scheme of things, really”, but I wasn’t allowed being that long.
When I first read Pom’s I thought it was a diet joke until I saw the full thing on the “Custom Titles” board and realised it was a Star Craft joke. To be honest, I thought it was funnier when I thought it was a diet joke.