Enigma 2, for your brain to exercize more

Now thats a real brainteaser, not like your previous one and Jubbanuats wannabee teaser. It teased my brain. It was a good one. Out of a possible 5 stars, I give it ****

now riddle me this batman

I’ll get a good one. I have to think for a few…

Having no success with Flash, I decide to sell oranges. I have 5 nice baskets full of oranges, but the guy who wold them to me somehow f**d me as he sold me one basket full of rotten oranges.

The only difference (from the outside) between an orange and a rotten orange is that rotten oranges weight 10 gramms more.

So here I am, with a weight-machine, not a digital one, but one with the plates and the needle… and I have to find out which basket contains the rotten oranges in just one weighing. How can I do that ?

pom 0]

now wait…under what circumstances would you be limited to the amount of times you could weigh the oranges? how realistic is this question?

What? Maybe I’m misunderstanding the question.

Wouldn’t you just weigh the bloody oranges and see which one’s heaviest?

What, is it that there’s no nice convenient numbers to look at?


Depending on the scale, you could still just weigh them against each other.

Elementry My Dear Watson;
You simply take the oranges (both baskets) and weigh them together. Then since the orange seller is such an @#%$ and will not allow you to weigh twice (That should tip you off not to buy from this guy again) you remove one basket at a time noticing of course, which weighed more. Does that happen if France? I mean where merchants with scales only allow you to use the scale once? Seems unreasonable. But then Im not french. Hunh. What do I win? I want this as a prize; A headline saying; Phil figured it out before liveaccoustic and Jubba. That will suffice. :rollin:


har har har…yeah that was an easy one…i’m sure i’ve heard it before somewhere…oh well…you post the next one Philbert…

In the desert a dead man was found, sitting upright leaning against his backpack which was still unopened. There were no tracks leading to, or, from the body. There had been no storms to wash away such evidence. They observed this man had a water cannister that still held water so they knew he didn’t die of thirst. There were no apparent wounds. Yet here he was, dead, in the middle of the desert without any apparent explanation as to why or how. Upon searching the body, they also found food and a cell phone that still worked and still had a signal. This only deepened the mystery. How did this man die?



his parachute ripped or tore or the straps broke when skydiving or something and he fell like a rock and landed that way. he died on impact and there was no tracks, nor did he get a chance to drink or eat or call anyone.

this answer works perfectly… he needs a backpack to parachute… so tell me im wrong and i’ll keel you… make more descriptive questions then. =] My professor once taught me that the actual answer, if not the easiest to come by, is not the true answer. the first logical and WORKING answer is the right answer. so to a question that has a million answers, the first one stated that fits, but might not have been YOUR answer is the correct answer. little knowledge for future reference =]

You are correct! Congrats! Yes, his parachute didn’t open and he smashed his way into that position. Jubba, you wouldn’t make the best detective, as it was stated he HAD food. But I’ll have mercy since this is just fer fun. Icu, don’t keel me. I told you you were right…All your weapons and stuff, are like scaring me. Boy was this ever a short brain teaser. I’ll have to take your advice Icu and do a little better next time.

Icu-You won, now it’s your turn! :cool:

but wait…i understand, but if someone fell while skydiving, and their parachute didn’t open there would be some obvious signs of death. Yeah now I remember that you said Food. it was stupid of me to post starvation as an answer, because I told myself, “no he had food” and then I was like, his parachute didn’t work, but then i was all like, “no because there was no obvious sign as to why he died”

Actually JubbaRama-
You are INcorrect. I skydive myself. You know what happens when someones parachute doesn’t open? You bounce. Really high the first time. Then you kind of just thud to a stop. There isn’t always blood or any signs of trauma. But almost always there is death. 99.999% of the time. The other .001% are the lucky ones who had angels that were on the ball. And you are also assuming that all deserts are made purely out of sand which is not true. Lots of rock formations and regular ground as well.

When I went to skydive the first time, I had to sign 27 pages of waivers, stating such things as; “I know I can die from skydiving, but want to do it and pay to do it anyways” check…next “I understand that my parachute may not open and the secondary chute may not open but agree that this is not neccessarily the fault of the skydiving school.” 27 pages!!! of these!!!

lol im not patient enough to make up a riddle… i wouldn’t have answered if i knew i’d have to… i hereby wave my priveledges to jubba man.

Sorry but Phil, your answer was INCORRECT. There is not necessarily as many oranges in each basket of fruit (at least in France).
Try again…

pom 0]

Simple answer, Pom.

Sue the bastard for fraud.

He ripped you off some oranges. This is your source of income. That’s a major offense.

You could get millions from that court case. That’s a hell of a lot of oranges.

At the very least, you’ll ruin his reputation forever.

Alternately, you could just do what Phil was doing except with only one representitive orange of weightiness from each orange basket.

Open a can of American woopass on this f&$*%^&g french merchant! Stuff a rotten orange in his mouth, hold his eyes open and squirt orange juice inside his eye sockets, then paint the bastard with a laser from afar and call in an American airstrike on em. Isn’t that the way we do it nowadays?

then when after the JADAM missile slams into his chest and the ‘debris’ settle, go and weigh the oranges as many times as you @#%$ well want, Pilgrim…
Thats the way we did it in the old West, only without the laser, airplane and guided missile.

It doesn’t work, you have 5 baskets. If you weight 5 oranges from 5 different baskets, you won’t be able to tell which one is rotten.

pom 0]

I don’t see how that proves my lawsuit idea wrong.

Or Phil’s bombing, for that matter, even if it does turn him in to a massive hypocrite overnight.

(I COULD try to answer the question, but being an ass is SO much more fun!)

Actually, wait. I don’t see how that proves anything wrong.

Couldn’t I just remember that that orange came from that basket and that orange came from that basket and that orange etc.?

OK, let’s start again. You have 5 baskets full of an undetermined number of oranges. You scale is brocken, and you only have time for one weighing. One basket contains rotten orange that weight 10 gramms more than regular oranges. You have to find out which basket is the rotten one.

And no, remembering won’t be of any help, since you won’t know which one weights more !

pom 0]