Favorite Stephen King book

I really enjoyed Misery. it was long though:-\

The Shining


The Shining and The Dark Half

i HATE gerald’s game and Misery!!! HATE IT

Stephen King sometimes gets REALLY boring! oh yea, i hate Cujo as well, that book so dam stupid

Yeha man… Shining phreaked me out… Seriously…

yea that guy is kinda messed up. lol

Shining was good, Redrum!! Redrum!! Redrum!!

they make red rum?:stuck_out_tongue:


I was like… Woah… That kid is freaky as ****… I mean come on… Who wouldn’t be freaked out if there kid went ballistic and started murmurring REDRUM in a voice that’s deeper than your own?

I’d be going to buy 20 new pairs of pants for all the times I’d **** MYSELF!

the shining book & movie were good

the movies are usually pretty good, but some of his books really suck

I also liked…

The Luminaires… That was a pretty good movie and book… Freaky too…

Pet Cemetary anyone?

oh yeah!! Pet Cemetary was scary!!! That lil kid freaks me out!!

how about the langerlears(sp?)

that really wasnt a good movie:sure:

yeah that was weak, didnt like it too much.

Yeah… That’s what I meant…

The Langaliers… Or whatever the hell it is… hehehe

The Talisman freaked my tiny *** out!

The Tallyknockers was pretty freaky… Maximum Overdrive, Christine…

the only guy I liked better is Dean Koontz…


i thought Maximum Overdrive was a good movie. =)