Friend Issues

O it’s a guy alright, this may make me sound gay, but I’m too good of friend with him to let him go. Ahmed, you might know this person.

Arghh the irony is killing me!!

Me too soul, me too

Lol, and yet both of you know what I’m talking about.

O the irony.:sure:

Ahmed, what would you do? Or atleast, what do you think about it.

*Originally posted by Soul *
**Arghh the irony is killing me!! **

Me too, argh !

I still wish me and him can solve the problem. But should I just quit and let it bed although I really don’t want to?

Give it time

I don’t believe in the ‘Time heals everything’ ordeal, but I have to admit, this is getting a bit old in my head too, I think I’m going to leave it as ‘O screw it’.

Thanks all.
Esp. Soul, Josh, Mike, and Voetsjoeba.

Asa female, my opinion maybe a littel different but, I would just give it a last shot and then you did everything you can. I would send him an email, not an aim or anything so he cant block you, and just tell him…I consider you one of my closest friends, I think i may have made some mistakes(what ever those maybe) if I have offended or hurt you it was totally unintentional (unless it wasnt, which i dont get the sense that it was) and I am trying to apologize. I would tell him you understand you can make him take your apology but you are putting it out there b/c you are truly sorry and you really dont want to lose his friendship after that there is not much you can do…but I would consider being careful with your site and everything sometimes people dont turn out to be who we really thought they were…even when we trust them. hope that helps, it is what I would do

^90% that done but with no response though.


I didn’t say give up, I said give it time

Well, I guess time can be forever though. Who knows, but I’m expecting most people to usually forget or forgive within a month?

*Originally posted by rere420 *
**Asa female, my opinion maybe a littel different but, I would just give it a last shot and then you did everything you can. I would send him an email, not an aim or anything so he cant block you, and just tell him…I consider you one of my closest friends, I think i may have made some mistakes(what ever those maybe) if I have offended or hurt you it was totally unintentional (unless it wasnt, which i dont get the sense that it was) and I am trying to apologize. I would tell him you understand you can make him take your apology but you are putting it out there b/c you are truly sorry and you really dont want to lose his friendship after that there is not much you can do…but I would consider being careful with your site and everything sometimes people dont turn out to be who we really thought they were…even when we trust them. hope that helps, it is what I would do **

I definitley agree, that’s all u can do.:frowning:

I think I’ve given it enough time already. Don’t know what I should do and just about to give up.

*Originally posted by Maxtr0sity *
**I think I’ve given it enough time already. Don’t know what I should do and just about to give up. **

I think u should give up. If ur freind will not accept ur appoligies or anything, maybe he wasn’t a great friend in the 1st place. But i’d be happy to be ur friend:)

so who are we talking about?

*Originally posted by asphaltcowboy *
**so who are we talking about? **
I don’t think I should disclose this person just yet.

Hint: He’s on this forum, and quite important (mod).

*Originally posted by Maxtr0sity *
**I don’t think I should disclose this person just yet.

Hint: He’s on this forum, and quite important (mod). **

Is it that reverned dude?

nope :smiley: