As i told u , icould feel the weight on my bike…
so also he can eat…
Dont u think
As i told u , icould feel the weight on my bike…
so also he can eat…
Dont u think
thats so freaky blue…
i think that an apparition if it’s strong enough can control matter, and matter is just all little atoms and particles, so if he/she/it can manipulate things enough to throw them around or affect them accoding to accepted physical laws, then perhaps if their will was strong enough to eat or drink, perhaps they could just manipluate the food particles and alter their state to a gas, or break them up or something.
ectoplasm is something materialized by the spirit when they want to manipulate matter supposedly, and this is actual matter, so it only makes sense to me that they can dematerialize as well.
a very nonscientific explanation, but hey, it could be.
this is interesting… and the part in red just struck me as hysterically funny for some reason
"Electronic voice phenomenon is the alleged communication by spirits through tape recorders and other electronic devices. The belief in EVP in the United States seems to have mushroomed thanks to Sarah Estep, president of the American Association of Electronic Voice Phenomena, which claims to have members in some 40 states and publishes a newsletter. Estep claims that in the 1970s she started picking up voices on her husband’s Teac reel-to- reel recorder. She is sure that the voices are spirits, proving there is life after death. Estep also claims to hear voices of aliens on some of her tapes. She says she has taped some 20,000 ghosts and aliens. [COLOR=RED] Aliens don’t speak English, however, so she is not sure what they are saying.[/COLOR]
Interest in EVP apparently began in the1920s. An interviewer from Scientific American asked Thomas Edison about the possibility of contacting the dead. Edison, a man of no strong religious views, said that nobody knows whether “our personalities pass on to another existence or sphere” but
it is possible to construct an apparatus which will be so delicate that if there are personalities in another existence or sphere who wish to get in touch with us in this existence or sphere, this apparatus will at least give them a better opportunity to express themselves than the tilting tables and raps and ouija boards and mediums and the other crude methods now purported to be the only means of communication. (Clark 1997: 235)"
redGolgi u r so dead right about the matter theroy, infact i was about to post that.
But its not that fast, when a person dies it takes years for him to realize that he/she is dead…as he is still atched to his loved one…about the dematerialize it can happen, but wat the studies have shown me is that they hypnotise u …there is a illusion about things wat i have mentioned…LIKE HEAVYNESS…
Secondly they can touch and also feel u its upto them …that is proved by ur scars …RIGHT!!!
and taking about the Aliens…the RED statement …that was funny…
lol :thumb:
redGolgi there is book called
I will get u the auothers name…also i think i have pdf formate…i will get that tooo…
IF u want…or if ur interested
cool, you can send me the pdf if you have it. send to
redGolgi at redGolgi.com
you can think i’m crazy, you can laugh, you can think i’m just another loon. but those of you who believe will understand, and those of you who do not, it is not my job to sway you.
Man this is not fear! I have never seen a ghost nor an alien!
I don’t think you ppl are lying, I don’t think you ppl are lunatics but I am absolutely sure there is some logical scientifical explanation to all this!
edit: OMG! This is spooky! Right when I was posting this message a door slammed with a big bang! I think it was my mom & dad’s bedroom door! logical&scientifical explanation: window open… wind! Spooky though!
pffff… ghosts…
Come on ghosts, come and get me. Make me a sandwich.
Would you walk trough a graveyard in the middle of the night alone!? :bad:
hey my friend says he has ghosts at his house. he says that there is this one ghost that takes the form of other people in the house…
One time he said his sister was calling him from the backyard to help her out… and when he came, there was no one there, and he went up to her room, and she was talking on the phone. and another time he said he came home from school and saw his brother watching T V, then his brother came home like 20 mins later. and one time he even saw himself. He went up to his room, and he saw himself studying…
kinda freaky.
*Originally posted by Syko *
**Would you walk trough a graveyard in the middle of the night alone!? :bad: **
graveyards dont phase me in the least, i hang out in them a lot, both during the day and at night. not cuz i’m morbid or goth or anything, but graveyards are some of the most peaceful spots in the world. i like to go there and paint.
in anycase, there is one graveyard that is pure evil, it’s in west philly. that place is just evil. not cuz of the dead people, cuz of the living people.
Interesting reads people.
First up i say that on the subject of Aliens, there’s gotta be something out there, but have any of them visited Earth, i’d doubt it. As an amature astronomer for 20 or so years i’ve come to the conclusion there just has to be. Space is just so vast it’s mind blowing, and that’s just what i can see with my piddly little 12 inch reflector.
I’m a total skeptic when it comes to this subject, but i do have a quite bizare story that has and still does happen to me every night.
I 'm quite an avid collector of antique furniture. I purchased a late 19th century sideboard, tallboy and cupboard from a decesed estate. The cupboard is quite large - 2 doors with a mirror in the centre of the doors. You know how old mirrors deteriorate over time and get shaddows in them. At the auction my g/f commented that the faults in the mirror looked like a human figure.
I’ve had them a while and moved the cupboard from the garage into the computer room. The rooms small and when the heater is turned on it gets warm quick, “exept for a spot right in front of the mirror”. It’ quite noticable, you can feel the temprature change in an area of about 18sq inches in front of that d@mn mirror. At first i thought there was a breeze blowing past as it’s the middle of the winter here. Checked all windows and doors, everything closed. I hold a piece of toilet paper over the “cold spot”, no movement, so no breeze, take a step left or a step right and there is a definate change in temprature. Other people have commented on the cold spot even though they havn’t been forewarned. It’s got to the point where i’m going to buy a digital thermometer to test the temp and prove i aint mad… I have no other explination and don’t believe in ghosts.
The best test would be to move the cupboard to a different spot in the room and see if the cold spot follows. Also check the floor above and below to see if there is anything that could be causing the disturbance (a broken refrigerator/freezer, faulty pipes, etc)
that is weird but there is usually a logical solution to the problem.
Why in the world would a ghost spend its time making your cupboard cold?
When I die, if I end up with such a lousy job like making cold spots in bathrooms, somebody please call Ghostbusters on me.
Some images may be fake, some may not. How do you know the difference? Because it can’t be scientifically proven?
soz this is reallllly late. actually with technology the way it is today, it can be proved. if u had the photo and took it to some photo analyst, they could probably tell you if it were real or fake.
lol Yates! Good point!
I’m absolutely sure everything can be scientifically explained!
i only believe in things i have seen and i believe in ghosts and aliens
btw congrats syko for completing 3000 posts =)
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