
i didnt think that it would happen again, since this was going to be a college level disscussion. but the way it looks, some members cant. :wink:

it hasnā€™t gotten ugly, just emotional.

no bigā€¦


please do not delete this thread. Iā€™m sure it will go fine. If Phil opts to post, Iā€™ve already gotten my posts doneā€¦so even we shouldnā€™t be fighting here.
I donā€™t see anyone being too emotional.

is someone upset over something? Iā€™ll be more than happy to appologise to anyone who has posted so far in this thread, if I have.

Cool blue seems to want something of usā€¦ but even he doesnā€™t seem to be madā€¦ just confused by what a couple of us are saying.

yeah there is no reason to delete anything. This conversation hasnā€™t gone anywhere bad.

The only problem I have is the seemingly low level of maturity shown by cool blue, however I canā€™t tell for sure what they really meant by their statements, so I addressed them as I saw fit.

Any topic in which people beleive strongly is bound to get emotional and intense at points. Its just how it happens. If people feel strongly about something they will defend it by any means necessary. Like, taking ā€œevidenceā€ and turning it into ā€œproofā€


I guess my english is not as good as your and thats the reason i couldnā€™t expain what i wanted to .
Which was misunderstoods as ā€œlow level of maturityā€.
I appologise for my statements above.
I really dinā€™t mean to affend at any point, its just i couldnā€™t explain what i meant was.
I come from a very different culture where English is not so extensively use, where as you guys are too very good at this.
i guess my statements may be wrong, may be i could not understand what u guys meant in ur post, and like a fool i just implemeneted my statements in a very ignorant manner.
I have really have to appologise for my behaviour.
I end my view right here.:trout:

Well that explains it. I didnā€™t realize that your english wasnā€™t very good. I apolgize if I scared you away. We sometimes get very immature acting members who respond to a debate question with very sarcastic remarks, and we do not want people like that in a debate such as this.

No need to end your views, just try to explain them as best you can. That way it will clear up any confusion. :slight_smile:

I too appologise if I misunderstood anything you were saying cool and in turn, came across with language that you could not comprehend. Thereā€™s no fault in you for not knowing english.

I donā€™t believe in ghosts! Iā€™m sure there are other lifeforms on other planets but I doubt that any of them have visited earth!

Iā€™m totally sure there is a logical explanation to all of the ghost-stories! I have never seen or heard a ghost!

I had a biig basement in my house and it never creaped me out when I went down there! (maybe just when I was little it was kinda spooky to go down to the dark undeground)

btw yesterday I saw a funny story on TV that the janitor was too afraid to clean a room in an old house because a roaring noise could be heard from the walls. And it turned out that a bum was sleeping somewhere near the the furnace, he was somewhere almost inside the wall so nobody found himā€¦ He had been there for 2 days and when he came out he said ā€œIt was so warm in thereā€ lol.
Just a lil funny story. (no offense to the believers of course)


My opinion is neutral.

After reading all of bleutunaā€™s writings, which were outstandingly marvelous by the way, my opinion has fallen from ā€œnon-believing-BSā€ to ā€œneutralā€. High five to you, friend! :stuck_out_tongue:

When I was a little boy, I used to get scared of ghosts and everything when walking down to the basement, etc. Nowadays, I know that all ā€“ well not know, think ā€“ that all of it is hogwash. The same reason I donā€™t believe in God - no proof. Ghosts are physically no possible. The human brain makes assumptions about things that it believes. The brain is a very powerful tool, but the only person it can convince is you.

In all, Ghosts are what you make them out to be: whether you believe or donā€™t, itā€™s your opinion and how you look at the situation! :stuck_out_tongue:

Cya! :pope:

Iā€™ll believe in it when I see it!

Wow this is a great conversation - and a very interesting read.

My beliefs are that there are Aliens and there are Ghosts.

First off - Aliens. There have to be. If space is forever then there is no way we are the only living things out there. As for if they have contacted us or not, Iā€™m just not too sure. There are lotā€™s of stories and maybe even evidence that suggests they have. I have no way to provide proof or any kind of story but itā€™s just a gut feeling that I choose to believe.

As for Ghosts - I have seen one and am very sure of it. There is not a person out there that could tell me different or explain it to be something else, there are just no other possibilities. Also I have seen many things on Television and such that would also prove, to me anyway, that there are ghosts. One that sticks out in my mind was a family that set up a camera in their daughters (I think) room because she complained of her sheets moving and someone talking to her at night and waking her up. After a couple nights of video they got something. You could see the sheets move a tiny bitā€¦ then a bit more and then it was as if something was under the sheets completely and raced back and forth as if it were playing. This was all caught on tape.

I do understand that there is a good possibility that this could have been faked, but there is also just as good of a possiblity of it being real. Just looking at the family and their daughter, I belive it was real. It was enough to convince me. Maybe because of my experience, maybe because they were good actors - I dont know.

Anyway, thatā€™s my thought on the subject.

Alrit, hereā€™s my two cent.

Aliens are a must, but these days, weā€™ve used that word so much, I donā€™t like to call them aliens anymore. Aliens are often put with a bad rep, but why? Why should we fear them? My theory on some of the sightings are a bit far out, but here it is. It IS possible that they are from the future, people from the future travelling back in time with more advanced technologies. Except they shouldnā€™t make contact with the current world because that would screw up the next world. But then, if that was true, then we can ask, why didnā€™t they stop 9-11? Again, I think they just canā€™t interfere with our world, but only look back on it. As for outerspace people, they definitely have to exist. The universe is way too big to have us as the only living beings. They might look strange if we do encounter them in the distant future, but then who knows? Different speices can adapt to different environments, so therefore, a living colony doesnā€™t have to live about the same distance from the sun to earth currently.

As for ghosts, I believe in them on mood. If Iā€™m feeling like a million bux, then no ghosts. If depressed, Iā€™d piss my pants if anything happens.


First off - Aliens. There have to be. If space is forever then there is no way we are the only living things out there. As for if they have contacted us or not, Iā€™m just not too sure. There are lotā€™s of stories and maybe even evidence that suggests they have. I have no way to provide proof or any kind of story but itā€™s just a gut feeling that I choose to believe.

Iā€™m going to share some of your feelings here. Aliens must exist. The percentage chance of them existing is nearly identical to our own, and we exist. In infinity, the percentage chances for other races, even intelligent star faring ones, are astronomical. Age likewise is not a factor. They could be spawning proteans in a soup of sludge, or an ancient race trillions of years into their prime. The percentages are all still there.
Contact with us? I have no ā€œproofā€ that would stand up to my own requirements, but I believe that at least one ā€œalienā€ society visited our planet in the past. Call me a loon. Iā€™ll accept that, and wait for vindication. :slight_smile: I agree though that the ā€œalienā€ could be time travelers, other dimensional beings (of which I include angelic and demonic entities), or something from another planet. That, I donā€™t have a clue as to which it could have been.

As for Ghosts - I have seen one and am very sure of it. There is not a person out there that could tell me different or explain it to be something else,ā€¦

Ditto. Sadly, such proofs must remain proofs for us and us alone. Doesnā€™t mean that you canā€™t explore those avenues in spite of peer disbelief.

There are definately alines but I doubt any of them has visited earth!

I donā€™t believe in ghosts nor zomebies but that doesnā€™t mean I would walk through a graveyard alone in the middle of the night (or an old haunted house)!

i was going to stay out of this but i decided to go ahead and stick my nose in. but i swear, if russian beer comes up and starts poking fun at me, i will personally come to hawaii and kick you in your hoā€™opaā€™a Aoā€¦

aliens: i believe they do exist, for many of the reasons others that have come before me have said, so i do not need to repost them. all i must say is, that unlike tool, i do not want them anywhere near me for fear that they might try and stick something in me that doesnt belong. all i know is i know nothing about them, so i can only assume that their nature is parallel to our own, and if an alien came down right now, i am sure the authorities would stick things in it that did not belong. so. i rest my case.

ghosts: (this shall be long and windy so forgive me ahead of time)
a year ago i would have said that i believe they could exist, i was open to the possibility, and i wouldnā€™t make a difinitive desicion until i had sufficient proof either way. now mind you, when i say proof, it could be a little less scientific then some of you associate with the word, so i use the word ā€˜proofā€™ loosely, and more personally then scientifically. for example. i am quite the firm believer in the existence of god, and true, there may be no ā€˜evidenceā€™ solid enough to pacify the scientific mind, my belief rests on more then just faith and in personal proof and evidence of His existence. so there are many interpretations of the word, but now you know mine, at least in this circumstance.
with that out of the way, let me tell you what changed my mind:
last summer i went on a road trip with my boyfriend at the time. we were going away for a week to see all the weird, haunted or otherwise locations in new jersey. those from around here will probably know of the magazine ā€œweird new jerseyā€ and for those who donā€™t, let me tell you a breif description. itā€™s a mag that comes out bi-annually in NJ that deals with all sorts of weird places and oddities, from ā€˜supernaturalā€™ to just plain goofy in NJ. and since it has been coming out for the last 10 years or so, kids around here routinely go on roadtrips or tours of all the sites for lack of anything better to do in this god-forsaken state. and also for sh1ts and giggles and other reasons.

so, my boyfriend and i embarked on a week long journey to see lots of ā€˜hauntedā€™ places. we brought all sorts of stuff like digicams, video cams, audio recorders, stuff lile that, in hopes of possibly capturing some sort of evidence of the supernatural. in the middle of our trip we were down in the pine barrons 4wheeling in the middle of the woods on a haunted road. now, i will spare you the details, but that trip started to make me believe a bit more. we captured orbs on my digital camera, and this was totally new and fascinating to me, so although i was sure that they could also be some natural anomalie, my mind was a bit more open.
the next day we went to another location and caught a whole poopload of orbs on the camera, as well as some sort of energy feild on the video camera. this still was not full proof for me, but again, a bit more open.

well, comes the last day of our trip we went to a place called maryā€™s tower. i wrote a whole little account of the events and have accompanying pictures if anyone is interested. the point is through not only the pictures absolutely polluted with orbs, the ectoplasm pictures, and the EVP that we captured (EVP is an audio recording of a supernatural phenomena), i also personally experienced the presence of Mary, who was one of the spirits that was tied to the place. i would also like to mention that i was not drunk, stoned, trippin, sleep deprived, sick, delerious, or anythign else, nor was the person i was with, or the other people that we met there. the other people were also non-believers, but by the end of the night they were avid believers, due to the visual things and pictures we captured and everything. yes, me as well as other people actually saw things with out own naked eyes. and it was not mass hysteria. upon analyzing our collected data, i would be perhaps the most harsh critic, but between the control pictures, the environmental tests, and the surrounding circumstances, i was absolutely convinced in the reality of the supernatural.

following that day, the spirit called mary actually attatched herself to us and followed us home. i forget the term for this, but it has been documented before. anyway, not only did i see her, but my boyfriend saw her, my mother saw her, and my cat saw her. she did not leave until a day later when we had to chase her spirit away. we also became extremely physically ill for about a week after all of this.

after this whole thing, my guy and i decided to start a paranormal research group. unfortunately, it never went much further then the beginnings of a website i started ( and sadly will never finish because the project is now dead. partly because we are not together anymore, and partly because of what i will write nextā€¦

at a later date i returned with one other person to the same spot to explore a different area of the property and collect more data. this time was horrible, because i was actually physically attacked by a negative presence on the property (not mary). if anyone could say that i have a mental problem or am dillusional, this would most likely convert their way of thought if they were there. the other person who was with me was absolutely not a believer, but again, converted when he experienced the event. basically, i was overwhelmed by nausea and saw something flying towards my head and engulfing me, trying to penetrate into my skull. at this point i swooned and almost lost consciousness, and he couldnā€™t see it so he thought i was screwing around. but then, the malicious presence attacked my body and slashed open the skin on my abdomen and my chest. i have the scars to prove it. evil red scars that will not go away, no matter how much vitamin e i slather on them. anyway, up until this point, if a real smooth talker sat and debated with me, i could have possibly been swayed from fully believeing. but the day you stand holding your flesh as an unseen force is slicing it open is the day you give in and lose all doubt.

you can think iā€™m crazy, you can laugh, you can think iā€™m just another loon. but those of you who believe will understand, and those of you who do not, it is not my job to sway you.

I thought i would never enter this topic cos of some other guys insulted me, but i guess redGolgi story or rather fact have moved me.

I also have an Incident to share.

I also belevie and study paranormal behaviour.

befor i start, first its gona be long so forgive me in advance also my english is not so Good so i apologize if i go wrong anywhere or interpret wrongly at some point. also no offence plz wats so ever.

Its said that spirits are cos they die befor time, like take an example if iam destined to die at 50 but due to some accident ,someone kills me or i dont die natural death then spirits occour.
That is because it becomes a lost soul and it gets attached to the surrounding or the area where it dies.
Also if u die a sudden deathā€¦like take an example
i want to go to collage today morning and have to submit my project, but i die suddenlyā€¦so i get attached to that theme ā€¦i.e., the collage and project.

When a person dies in that manner it cannot go anywhere but sticks here so its like half human and half spirit thats the reason sometime we see it, or they can move objectsā€¦and also cos of this they retain there human naturelā€¦that y there some good spirits and some r not depending on there nature.

The incident wat iam going to talk is based on this.

I regulary come by bike from my office, and i have to pass a big pond ( i would say dirty pond) side by the road.
It is said that many people have died here i dont know the reason ā€¦but heard that it was long back.

This is of 26th of july this year, i had to finish my given project cos of the dead lineā€¦so i was late , about 2:48 to be Precise cos we have to swap our card which indicated the time on the machine.
While i was passing by that pond ( say around 3:15am) my bike suddenly stoped with no reasonā€¦and casully i tried to start and then it got started, but as soon as i crossed the pond i felt that some one is sitting on my bike cos i felt heavy on the rearā€¦as it was spooky i though not to look backā€¦so i just peeked through my rear mirrorā€¦i could not see anyoneā€¦but i felt my bike heavyā€¦
There is a narrow dark road before my area arrives, and just casualy i again looked in my rear mirrorā€¦and was surprised to se a mans face ā€¦( not my face ā€¦heheheh) no joke some elseā€¦
i reached homeā€¦and parked my bike with side standā€¦
and went homeā€¦On the table there was a note from my mom saying that food is on the table serve yourself. At this time i though that, the spirit must have left itā€¦cos there were no unsual signsā€¦so i arranged my dinner and when to change my clothsā€¦but suddenly i heard noise of vesselsā€¦i peeked from the next room and saw the same face with fant bodyā€¦having my lunchā€¦i was stundedā€¦by thisā€¦and keep quitā€¦after a while that image was not thereā€¦
U see this spirit i guess wanted to just have food or lunch or whatever.

From that day i never came lateā€¦
I know in the Pervious post i have stated : CAN u prove there r ghostā€¦
I guess i have got the answerā€¦

i repeat the same statement said by redGolgi

you can think iā€™m crazy, you can laugh, you can think iā€™m just another loon. but those of you who believe will understand, and those of you who do not, it is not my job to sway you.

BUT the fact remains FACTā€¦

BUT the fact remains FACTā€¦

alrightā€¦ Iā€™ll keep my mouth shut coolblue. :stuck_out_tongue:

question for yaā€¦ when you finaly got a chance to look at your vessels, was your lunch there, or was it gone, along with the apparition?

just interested.

Half eaten!!!

beleive me i was also surprised ā€¦ to see a spirite eatā€¦

and as or the quote

But the fact remains factā€¦

i though it read cool :slight_smile:
u want it to be removed ā€¦i will remove itā€¦if its offending u by anyway

u want it to be removed ā€¦i will remove itā€¦if its offending u by anyway

no noā€¦ not at all. For one thing, we donā€™t remove things from this section just because they are offensive to someone elses ideas. Weā€™d have to delete everything in here if that were the case. For another, that statement really doesnā€™t offend me at all. I donā€™t think that itā€™s a fact, but that hardly means that I find it insulting. :slight_smile:

I am also surpised that half of it was gone. Iā€™ve read a couple of cases where a ghost was supposed to have drank someoneā€™s wine. I find these stories to be the hardest to fathom. I cannot for the life of me figure out how something spiritual effects the material. This is a subject that fascinates me to no end.