Guess what it is

oo oo, i know tha answer!!! it’s three!!!

I dunno how hard you’ll find this one, but anyway! :beam:

Here goes…

Oh no! You’ve come down with a sudden infection!! The doctor gives you two bottles of tablets… Clohodradene tablets (C) and Tatradene tablets (T)… (Hehe I made up the name :P)

The doctor says you must take one of each of the tablets every day or you will die! :skull::frowning:

Everyhting is going fine until one day you tip out three tablets instead of two!! Oh no! :stuck_out_tongue:

By counting the remaining tablets in each bottle you can see that in your hand you have two C tablets and one T tablet.

The problem is that these tablets look exactly the same, they are the same colour, the same size, they smell the same… you cannot tell the difference.

How do you make sure you take the correct dossage of pills?

Note: If you take too many of one pill it will be fatal, if you don’t take the pills it will be fatal, you cannot throw away these pills and start again because you won’t have enough dossage for the week!


Go! :stuck_out_tongue:

I have a hint if you get stuck :slight_smile:

  • Soul :s:

i’d call my doctor and get more… heheh… lemme think about it, sounds tricky

oo ooo ooo oo ooo…

i got it

you know you have two c’s and one t,

so cut each pill in half, and then make two piles with a half from each one in it, then you will have one whole c in each pile plus a half of t. then take a t outta your t bottle and cut it in half and add each half to the pile. then take a pile of them. that will be two halves of each!

lol I think you got it, hard to understand though :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:


You take one more T from the bottle, cut all the pills in half, and separate all the halves. Take one of the sets today and the rest tomorrow. I made a diagram to explain :beam:…

Well done :beam: Your turn :slight_smile:

  • Soul :s:

haha, that is so cool that you made a diagram. sorry if i wasn’t clear, i’ve been up allll night again. ok, lemme think of a good one.

ok. this one is hard i hope. hehe.

There’s these three women, and they go to a strip club for a bachelorette party. They decide to buy a private lap dance from Mr. Bigg, the hottie in the fireman’s outfit. :crazy: The clerk at the club says for the three of them it will be 30 dollars even, so they pay 10$ each. They go in for the lap dance, and while they are there, the clerk goes to ring up the money, and he sees that the price should have been 25$, so he owes the ladies 5 dollars back. Seeing as he can’t break a five into three even amounts, he pockets $2 and then gived them back the three when they get done and tells them he made a 3$ mistake.
Here’s the part that makes no sense. Each woman paid 9 dollars each now for the dance. 9x3= 27, plus the two dollars that the clerk pocketed = 29. so where did the extra dollar go???

hee golgi! I’ve heard that before but it was 3 men and a motel or sth!
anyway I figured it out but it doesn’t make sense to me anymore… I forgot…
I remember that something… you don’t have to add 2 to 27 but subtract it so it gives 25 or sth! Don’t remember!

:slight_smile: yeah, your right pretty much. can anyone explain it fully?

There is nothing tricky about that, and there is no ‘extra’ dollar! :stuck_out_tongue:

You just worded it wrongly to try and trick us! :stuck_out_tongue: But I’m too clever for you :beam:

Ok so theres $30 to start!

25 goes in the till, thats gone!

5 dollars left with the clerk!

He gives 3 to the women and 2 for himself!

Which makes, unless I’m wrong (which I’m not) $30! :beam:

How you worded it wrongly…

Each woman paid 9 dollars each now for the dance. 9x3= 27, plus the two dollars that the clerk pocketed = 29. so where did the extra dollar go???

9x3 = 27… correct!

But you ADDED the clerks $2, he didn’t get 2 dollars on top, he just took the $2 from their $27!

So it should be…

9x3 = 27… 27 - (minus not plus) 2 = 25 (What they really paid into the till) :beam:

25 in the till
2 in the clerks pocket
3 back to women

  • Soul :s:

yayay! eheheh. syko gets to post one now AND soul.


  • Soul :s:

you and syko both got the answer, so you both win the prize and have the honor of posting a new riddle to try and stump us.

How can we both do one? :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

hehe, you just do. simultaneous. riddleorama. simul-posts. if no one does in 5 mintues i will! hehehe.

Ok Ok, I’ll do one :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

An easy one :P…

A man came into town on Friday. He stayed 3 days and left on Friday. How did he do it?


  • Soul :s:

“Friday” was the name of the Llama that he rode into town. :stuck_out_tongue:

**** you!! :stuck_out_tongue:

It was horse, but I’ll let you off :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

Your go :slight_smile: