Guess what it is

there’s this king and he has a daughter. she has these two knights who are courting her, but she is his only daughter, and he doesn’t want her to get married. in order to look good in his court however, he feels he must give the guys a chance to get her, so he comes up with the idea to have a competition to decide who gets to marry her. he is a really sneaky king though, and he devises a plan that he thinks will make no one get her. he announces that there will be a horserace, but instead of the winner whoever’s horse comes in last will get to marry her. he thinks that this will never work because no one will ever finish because they will be going too slowly. the knights are trying to figure out what to do, but the princess really wants some nookie, so she comes up with a plan and the knights race, and one of them wins(loses), and she marries him, and they all live happilly ever after except the king, who is pissed, so he starts drinking massive quantities of carrot ale and eventually drowns in a bowl of pudding. the question is: what was the princess’s plan??? C:-)

she announces that there will be a horserace, but instead of the winner whoever’s horse comes in last will get to marry her? :slight_smile:

here’s a short little " riddle" for ya!
What number comes next?
1, 2, 2, 4, 8, 32, …

:slight_smile: eeeaaasssyy!

I’m sorry, maybe I didn’t make that clear then. That was the original plan that the king had, but she came up with a ‘workaround’ so that the race would work. :wink:

ohhh didn’t read carefully! What plan’s whose! plans plans plans… hmm… thinking…

oh, and 256

woohoo! a simul-post!

we have a winner! Told ya it was easy

hmm… maybe I’m not makin’ any kinda sense but they raced backwards? :stuck_out_tongue:

no, but that’s a good guess. :slight_smile: i think maybe that would work though… i mean, if they finished backwards, then maybe it woudl count as losing, cuz they were… well, reversed… hrm… in anycase, theres another answer too

Hmmm tricky one thinks

Its rubbish anyway because the King wouldn’t let her date 2 knights!! :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

this is a tough one! I’ll never figure this out…

So did she marry the loser of the race? Like the King said? What happened to the other knight??

  • Soul :s:

v. court·ed, court·ing, courts
v. tr.
To try to gain the love or affections of, especially to seek to marry.

v. dat·ed, dat·ing, dates
v. tr.
To go on a date or dates with.

n. date
An engagement to go out socially with another person, often out of romantic interest.
One’s companion on such an outing.

hahaha. j/k, just being a jackazz :wink:

Ahh I see. I thought court meant the same as dating. Because you always hear ‘we’re courting’

Anyway… hmmm

Can we have a hint please?

  • Soul :s:

sure. lemme think of one. um. well, yes, the princess hooked up with the loser. um. the winner went home and cried, but then went to the pub that night, met a lovely viking lady, and got hitched.
so, er, the hint.
just think creatively. how would a race occur if the ‘winner’ was whoever’s horse came in last?

Did she feed one of the horses with lots of coffee so it was all hyper and just ran really fast!! :beam:

  • Soul :s:

lol. nope. hehe.

Would work though :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

yeah, hehe. im goin to sleep, but see if you can get it, or else ill post the answer in a few hours when i get up :sleep:

they switched horses.

how would switching horses do it:q: