How do you?

Hey. I just bought a second moniter. Is there any type of software I need to get to Hook it up as a second moniter? so that my mouse can move between each one? any help would be awesome. Thank you ;(

what OS you running? a 2nd video card is really all you need.


I’m running windows 2000 pro. Is that all I need is a second video card?
Thank you for the help by the way

Well… You can either…

a) Get a second video card…

or b) Get a newer video card like the Radeon 9000 series +. They support 2 monitors on the same card.

exactly. win2k supports either setup. Good luck with it. :slight_smile:


Thank you guys so much! I appreciate that. I’ll do that and see what happens.,24330,2338786,00.html

TechTv is the bible for computers. :slight_smile:

Hey Unflux - some dude told me that I couldnt have to video cards running at the same time in windows xp, is that not true?

Also - if you have two running does either monitor run off their respective video cards and can you drag and drop stuff from one monitor to the other? I have dual display at work but it’s off the same vid card.

Any info would be great man… thanks in advance!



methinks i cann add two monitors under Xp and i only got one Voodoo which i dont think supports dual screens
ive never tried though…

yes i checked and i have the option in XpPro’s settings
i think mac Os’s do it too…

you can abslolutely have 2 video cards. add 10 if you like!

Whoever told you that has no ideas what they are talking about,
no offense. I have 2 video cards running in mine with XP pro right
now. So…[shrugs] not sure what they were talking about.

…Mac has for ages… I added a vidCard that has two monitor and one TV out - they all act as (extensions of) one big screen when on one card -

I don’t personally know about XP but believe if you have 2nd card as your only hookUp there shouldn’t be any problem

why do people keep posting that they aren’t sure? I’m telling
you, you CAN.

What do I gotta do to get some love around here? sheesh! :sigh:

…Read the post times…
I was typing my response as yours was posting,
and I didn’t say I wasn’t sure - said I didn’t know but thought it should just as a matter of logic

:love:… better now ?..sheesh :sure:

Thanks Unflux - feel the love over here brotha! :slight_smile:

Can you drag stuff from one screen to the next? Like with a vid card that supports dual monitors… so I can have photoshop open on one screen and the pallets open on another…

Again thanks dude…

RelandR - I was being sarcastic, but it didn’t come across that way,

sorry! :slight_smile:

SureShot - yeah, basically what you are doing is using your
multiple monitors as 1 large desktop. So how you decide to use
that space is up to you. Spreading windows out so you can see
them all is a very common use, and probably why people started
using it, from what I can tell.

good luck with it. :slight_smile:

:love::love::love:…ahhh - lots more :love: now !!!

…oK-dokey… :wink:

…sarcasm is difficult onLine… I screw it up often :!:

thanks very much dude, I am going to grab a cheap vid card and try it out…

Like I said - I do it at work but I have a card that supports dual monitors. I do a lot of web work so I like to have one set to 800X600 and the other one set to like 1280X1024 so when I am done working on something i can make sure it fit’s the smaller screen size properly.