
as a beginning web designer,
i like to know, what a normal site with navigation pictures, just the standards costs, ?
and like what do logos cost ?
just a reasenable price

The site I’m producing in collaboration with my cousin (networks wiz, also does some alternative coding) will cost about 4-5000$ when it’s done.

Mostly because I’ll be doing the whole thing in flash, and he’ll be doing external apps to work with it.

Most “pro” sites can be REALLY expensive.

Some of the sites we look at, at school, are sites that costs more than 10.000$. Yet we don’t make 'em :stuck_out_tongue:

We just go through general layouts, ways of setting the stuff up, Custom Management Systems etc…

Some danish fellow made a REALLY heavy CMS to a site (sells templates to firms, and supports the build of them, they make a ton of money on it). Anyway, that guy made around 150.000$ just to create that Custom Management system.

Took him about a year…

So… I’m still an amateur, but the stuff I create when I concentrate can actually make the dough roll in :wink:

If only I had more clients :-\

The one I’m doing now is for a Celeb, so… (weee)

*Originally posted by eilsoe *
*If only I had more clients :-*

If only I had any clients!:frowning: :smirk:

It really depends on the company and the site that you are going to design…

I have a system where I charge by the data…

Plain Pages

1 webpage plain text - $15
1 webpage small script - $30 (css)
1 webpage extra script - $60 (JavaScripting)
1 asp or php page - $15 / hour


Photoshop Images : $1 per square 20 pixels… (300 x 60) = $45
Digital Camera : $10 per photo $40 to edit the photo


Flash menu or header - $60-100
Small Flash Page - $100-150
Large FLash Page - $200
Actionscripting - $30 / hour

Typically… Ona regular site… I’d get around $500-2000. I also have packagaes that allow companies to chekc out so that they can have things to look for… And I show examples for eahc one…


Wow Marlin, your prices are pretty decent, most people would charge double those figures. I know I would. =)

I haven’t made a dime using my knowledge and the internet!:hangover:
I feel so awful right now!:smirk:

lol… it’s the only reason I’m alive right now…

And Geek… I’d upt he prics if I lived in a more city like environment… But the area around here isn’t that “rich”… So I figured this would be a good price range… Obviously it is though… hehe…

I’m working on a site for myself so I can start doing international website claims for people… That should be up and runnign by the end of February… Along with ym online portfolio :slight_smile:

I know how you feel Syko, I was in that position too. You need to find a way to expose your work and let potential clients see it.
It’s a slow start at first, but once you do a good job for one or two clients, it starts a snowball effect cause word of mouth is the best advertising you can get so hang in there and put up your work! =)

Yeah… Word of mouth has gotta be the best way to get your name around…

I mean look at sites across here… if it has cool crap in it… People will wnat to spread the idea aorund in forums and stuff… Same with some joe guy wnating a website… You make him one… And it gets the word around… Not only by him tlaking about it… But by his site having a logo saying you made it…

“Wow he made this… I bet he has other cool assed sites”

Know what I mean…

Ohh And cosa… I’d say…

Basic Site with a small Logo… $300-800

Just depends on how big it is… And How graphic you get… Any additional graphics add $50/ gfx to that price range…

*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**I know how you feel Syko, I was in that position too. You need to find a way to expose your work and let potential clients see it.
It’s a slow start at first, but once you do a good job for one or two clients, it starts a snowball effect cause word of mouth is the best advertising you can get so hang in there and put up your work! =) **

now that was a relief! Thanx! Right now I messing a round with the homepage I’m making! I just wanna get this over with and then I’m gonna make big one - the ultimate SykoPage!:beam:
lol I got carried away!:wink: :smirk:

[EDIT]btw how old were you guys when you first started?[/EDIT]

Yeah… I was about 12 years old when I started making websites… And then… 14 when I made my first site for someone else…


well I’m 14 right know so gotta make it quick! :beam:
ok gotaa go watch TV now!

Yeah man…

Kepe at it… it’s a really great field to gte into… Especcially PHP and FLASH… Too of the biggest growing media and data transferring systems around right now… And it’s growing even bigger…

Syko I started around 2 yrs ago, started making plain html/javascrpt based pages and most of them were done for free. I didn’t start charging till a year ago when I realized that I could actually make a living out of it. =)

YEah… And there are definetly people out there who will pay huh?

It’s funny though… What takes us nearly no time or effort… ives us so much money…

I make these kinda stuff for fun! And I can get money for it too! Am I gone to heaven already?:beam:=)

Honestly, I love designing, if I could make stuff for free then I would do it, but unfortunately I have bills so I need some coins in return for my work.

The look on the client’s face when they look at your creation in amazement is already rewarding enough, but Timothy needs to earn a living! :stuck_out_tongue:

yeap! umm… how do they pay for your work? Credit cars or sth?
playa when you were 14 or so how did the clients pay ya?
well I mean the ones who were far far away!

Most of my clients pay me half up front in cash or personal check since most of my clients are from where I live. =)

The money that you can make from a company largely depends on how YOU approach them. Its always good to have a 1 on 1 consultation before starting any project. I have found that meeting the client establishes trust on thier end.

Even though it is 100% possible to develop an ecxellent website remotly.

I will generally quote on a site, and provide hourly charges for different services if they go over the initial quote with additional pages or features. (which usually happens)

I charge anywhere from $25-$40 an hr depending on what I am doing and the company.

I have a couple clients I am constantly getting work from, and misc. companies here and there. It works out well because I also work another full time job.