I need opionions on my reusme/portfolio site
I need suggestions,
thank you in advance
Make the buttons smaller, center the whole thing, and definetly increase the fps
i was havin a teerrible time with that scroll bar. maybe its just me. lol. looks nice though.
Maybe bump up the fps a lil, seems a bit slow and my comp is pretty fast too. And yes, make you nav buttons a lil smaller. So far so good, looks clean. =)
good job. i like it but the buttons could be smaller and you should increase the fps
Yeah a couple people already said the resume scroll bar was wack, but I’m noy sure what to do about. I guess i could have come up in a pop up window or link it to the resume page in my html site. Any suggestions on this ?
My original design had the protfolio/home/contact windows undeneath the center but I thought it would annoy people who are at a low res to scroll back and forth
would modifying the frame image so that it surounds the entire site make it better?
Turn up the frames per second? Does that entail greatly increasing the file size?
Ok, i never thought it loked jumpy but mostly I’ve only looked at it on high speed connections.
It’s not jumpy, its pretty smooth, just that its slow. Bumping up the fps will not increase your file size, well not that I know of. I mean you’re not adding anything to it, you’re just telling it to play the timeline faster so I don’t see how that can effect file size. It doesn’t hurt to try it, you can always bump it back down. =)
Alright I cranked up the frame rate , I agree I like it better that way.
There you go, your transitions are a lot smoother now. I like it. =)
center it and probably add color…?! just my opinion
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