People really piss me off. I know this is really minor, but it still drives me nuts. Somebody IMed my roommate today and said a lot of really stupid stuff…
“I know where you live, I’m closer than you think…” etc, etc…
Well this highly pissed me off, because my roommate is like my brother. You mess w/ him… you mess w/ me. I know I am just an overly aggressive, hostile individual and I really would like to meet this guy (and all the friends that he says he has) at my house for a little rumble. I just makes me mad that he is hiding behind the skirt of the internet and making threats. I sent him a really long reply explaining that I think he’s a loser and that he needs to get a life.
I’m still pissed off tho. And I need to vent, because if I don’t vent then I’m going to flip out and punch somebody…grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr VIOLENCE!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH…
Ok, i think i’m better now…still mad…
we think that the person is somehow connected with his (my roommate’s) sister’s boyfriend. And if it is, in anyway, related then, when I see her boyfriend, I’m going to beat the crap out of him in my roommates house. Right there in the living room, just jump on top of him and kick the living spit out of him…AHH People make me so angry…
Cheer me up…
or IM “radioflyercrash” and harass him. That will make me feel better too…
I have a punching bag at home, I will probly end up using it over break. I NEED to get my aggression out because if I see this kid I will destroy him. And now I know who it is… it is that girls boyfriend. Oh, well…we will see what happens…
I like your use of the word, ‘destroy’ here. Much more elloquent than, ‘beating his **’ , or 'fckin him up’. Destroy makes me picture a violent bloody beating that leaves him in intensive care.
■■■■ some people are just ignorant. I’m not even sure violence would be the remedy in this case. Perhaps just leaving this person to be himself for the rest of his life is punishment enough.
If not, give him a good beating, and call him a pile of sticks!!
After reading the document and much clincal analysis i have come to the conclusion pigs will fly by the year 2007, HOW?? becuz Raydred Said SO BUT MAK WHAT THE HELL DO PIGS HAVE anyTHIng TO DO wiTh THIS?! I dunno don’t you like pigs? WHO CARES WHAT I LIKE THIS IS SERIOUS , you ever wonder why pigs don’t eat themseleves? they are just so yummy, SHUT THE HELL UP ABOUT PIGS I DON"T CARE ABOUT THE BLOODY PIGS MAK
anyways, after conversing with my skizo buddy i have decided you should calm down. :goatee: it has been my experience not to fight with someone with less intelligence than yourself no matter how much you beat or humiliate them they don’t know when to stay down. on the other hand one time when i was hit by a snowball when i specifically asked not to be bothered i buried the kid in the snow :bad: so maybe i’m not the guy to be giving advice
seriously, i have no clue whats going on and its like a dream conversation with references to people i don’t know but i gained from it that this dude is nowhere as as you or me and if he comes 5 feet close to me or you i will stab him with Phil’s 10 foot pole :bad: sorry it had to come to this PHIL
yea Phil its tottaly unfair, you keep sticking your pole into every comversation
calls town meeting
Ladies and Gentleman and Unibrow’s
I propose we burn Phils pole as he obviously can’t take care of it
He leaves it lying around in plain sight where anyone can steal it
he has lost the honour of being the pole holder
we must venture to the lava place where it was made and destroy it
who will be the new pole holder and who will be his/her fellowshi p on a quest to destroy the pole :q:
Well Jubba… I’m not all that sure if I agree with any of the advice given so far… I abhor violence. On the other hand… I have no good advice for you.
Just make sure that if you bring it to blows you have good proof against the person you’re putting the hurt on ok? Dealing with ones anger is something you will get used to… dealing with the guilt of brutalizing an innocent person, you’ll never escape.